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Addressable LEDs in Berry~

Requires #define USE_WS2812, included in Tasmota32

Support for addressable leds strips and animation. Internally relies on optimized TasmotaLED library, currently supporting WS2812 and SK6812, 3 and 4 channels, over RMT and SPI.

How to use~

Compatibility with Templates~

You can control multiple LED strips. WS2812 - 1 is also controlled by Tasmota's light controls. It is still possible to control this light strip with Berry, but whenever you use Tasmota light controls they will temporarily overrid Berry animations.

To avoid any conflict between native WS2812 and Berry control, you can use Scheme 14 which disables native WS2812.

Led strips, sub-strips~

You first need to define the low-level Leds object that describes the hardware strip of connected leds.

You can then define higher level objects like sub-strips (if there are actually several strips chained together like rings).

Class Details
Leds Leds(pixels:int, gpio:int [,model:int ,rmt:int]) -> instance<Leds>
Creates a Leds instance for a linear leds strip
pixels: number of leds
gpio: physical gpio number
model: (optional) LED model, default: Leds.WS2812_GRB, alternative Leds.SK6812_GRBW
rmt: (optional) RMTchannel to use, or auto-select (see below)

Once a Leds object, you can use sub-objects:

Method Details
create_segment <strip>.create_segment(offset:int, pixels:int) -> instance<Leds_segment>
Creates a virtual segment from a physical Leds strip, from Led number offset with pixels leds.
LED model Details
Leds.WS2812_GRB WS2812b Leds (GRB) - takes 24 bits RGB colors
Leds.SK6812_GRBW SK6812 Leds (GRBW) - takes 32 bits RGBW colors (with white channel)

Methods are the equivalent low-level from NeoPixelBus. All colors are in 0xRRGGBB format (24 bits) or 0xWWRRGGBB format (32 bits).

Attributes Details
clear clear() -> nil
Clear all led (set to black)
clear_to clear_to(col:color [, bri:int]) -> nil
Set all leds to the specified color. bri (0..255) is optional and default to 255
show show() -> nil
Pushes the internal buffer to leds. May be ignored if a show command is already in progress. Use can_show() to see if show() is possible
can_show can_show() -> bool
Indicates if show() is possible, i.e. no transfer is ongoing
is_dirty is_dirty() -> bool
Indicates if a led was changed since last show()
dirty dirty() -> nil
Forces a refresh during next show()
pixel_size pixel_size() -> int
Returns the number of bytes per pixel
pixel_count pixel_count() -> int
Returns the number of leds in the strip
clear_to clear_to(col:color [, bri:int]) -> nil
Clears all leds to the specified color. bri is optional and default to 255
set_pixel_color set_pixel_color(idx:int, col:color [, bri:int]) -> nil
Set led number idx to the specified color. bri (0..255) is optional and default to 255
get_pixel_color get_pixel_color(idx:int) -> color:int
Returns the color (including brightness and gamma correction) of led number idx
gamma gamma:bool
Applies gamma correction if true (default)
pixels_buffer pixels_buffer() -> bytes()
Returns the internal buffer used by NeoPixelBus. The byte() object points to the original buffer, no new buffer is allocated; which means that raw data can be changed directly. Don't forget to call dirty() and show() afterwards

animation framework - module animate~

An offline emulator is available to test animation on a computer instead of an embedded device and generate animated images to show the final result

Based on the project above there as an online emulator with a minimal Tasmota environment running real Berry in a web browser, which will show animations in real time. Just copy and paste the code.

The module animate provides a simple framework to build customizable animations. It is optimized for 1D animations on Led strips.


Note: import animate is only available if Tasmota is compiled with #define USE_WS2812 , which is the case of most precompiled binaries.

The core class is animate.core. You first need to create a Leds object to describe the Led strip object and length.

import animate
var strip = Leds(25,, 0))
var anim = animate.core(strip)

At each tick (50 times per second) the core classes first executes the animators. Each animator can change a velue depending on the timestamp and internal parameters, and publishes the new values to a 'listener'. For example, a "palette animator" iterates through colors, and publishes color values to an object like a background or a dot.

The concept of animator is inspired from audio modular synthesizers. An animator is like a stand-alone oscillator and a waveform (square, triangle...) that feeds directly other components in cascade.

Once all animators are called, core then runs each layered painter object. A painter draws a layer into a Leds_frame object (like a frame buffer). The frame supports transparency alpha channel in ARGB mode (see below). Each layer is flattened onto the background layer like a layered cake. Once all layers are rendered and flattened, the final frame buffer is availale.

Finally the frame buffer is copied to the physical WS2812 led strip, after applying brightness bri and applying gamma correction (if required).

animate.core class~

This is the main helper class to host all the animation components. It is composed of:

  • strip object representing the led strip (1-dimension, only RGB supported for now)
  • bri parameter (0..255) to control the overall brightness
  • frame the background frame buffer, instance of animate.frame
  • layer the current frame buffer being painted by a painter, instance of animate.frame. It is merged to frame once painted, taking into account transparency (alpha channel)

The instance also does the following:

  • register a fast_loop for quick animation, and iterate every 20ms (50Hz)
  • call each animator object to compute new values of all parameters
  • call each painter object to paint layers on top of each others
  • apply brightness to frame buffer
  • copy to strip WS2812 leds


  • init(strip [, bri:int]) constructor, needs a strip, brightness defaults to 50%
  • set_bri() and get_bri() to set/get brightness
  • add_animator() adds an animator object to be called at each tick
  • add_painter() adds a painter object
  • start() and stop(), by default the animation is stopped. It needs to be started explcitly
  • clear() clear all leds and stop animation
  • set_cb() sets the callback at each tick to compute the animation. All animators have been processed before this call. set_cb(instance, method)
  • remove() stop the animation and removes the object from fast_loop; clear() is called internally

animate.frame class~

This class is a helper class to manage RGB pixels frame, mix layers and compute the final image. All frames are computed in ARGB (alpha + RGB) at full brightness and with no gamma (full linear). It's only at the last moment that brightness and gamma correction are applied.

Leds_frame is a super-class of bytes and encapsulate a raw bytes buffer. Each pixel is in ARGB 32 bits format with alpha-channel.


  • constructor Leds_frame(number_of_pixels:int): creates a frame buffer with the specified number of pixels (the actual bytes buffer is x4 this size). The buffer is filled with black opaque by default
  • frame[i]: read/write the 32-bit value of the ARGB pixel at index i
  • frame.set_pixel(i, r, g, b, alpha): set the pixel at index i for value r/g/b (0..255) and optional alpha channel (opaque 0x00 if not specified)
  • frame.fill_pixels(argb): fill the frame with argb 32-bit value
  • frame.blend_pixels(background, foreground): blends a background frame (considered opaque) with a front layer with alpha, and stores in the current object. It is common that the target and the background are the same objects, hence frame.blend_pixels(frame, fore)
  • frame.paste_pixels(strip_raw_bytes, bri:0..255, gamma:bool): pastes the Led_buffer object into a Leds strip. This is the final step before displaying the frame to the actual leds, and apply bri and gamma correction.

pre-built animators~

Currently the following animators are provided:

  • animate.oscillator: generate a variable integer that can be used by painters as a cyclic value (brightness, size, speed...)
  • animate.palette: cycle through a color palette with smooth transitions


Methods Description
set_duration_ms set_duration_ms(int) -> nil sets the duration of the animation (in ms)
set_cb set_cb(object, method) -> nil sets the callback object and method to update after a new value is computed
set_a(int) -> nil or set_b(int) sets the start and end value
set_form set_form(int) -> nil sets the waveform among the following values
animate.SAWTOOTH: ramp from a to b and start over
animate.TRIANGLE: move back and forth from a to b
animate.SQUARE: alternate values a and b
animate.COSINE: move from a to b in a cosine wave
animate.SINE: move from half-way between a and b and move in SINE wave
set_phase set_phase(phase:0..100) -> nil set the phase between 0% and 100%, defaults to 0%
set_duty_cycle set_duty_cycle(int:0..100) -> int sets the duty cycle between a and b values, defaults to 50%


Methods Description
init init(palette: bytes() or comptr [, duration_ms:int]) initialize the palette animator with a palette object, see below
set_duration_ms set_duration_ms(int) -> nil sets the duration of the animation (in ms)
set_cb set_cb(object, method) -> nil sets the callback object and method to update after a new value is computed
set_bri set_bri(bri:0..255) -> nil sets the brightness for the color, defaults to 255

palettes solidified in Flash

Palette Description
animate.PALETTE_RAINBOW_WHITE Cycle through 8 colors (including white) and keep colors steady
animate.PALETTE_STANDARD_TAG Standard palette cycling through 7 colors
animate.PALETTE_STANDARD_VAL Cycle through 6 colors as values
animate.PALETTE_SATURATED_TAG Cycle through 6 saturated colors

Palettes can be specified as a bytes() object of via comptr if they are solidified in Flash.

Palettes can follow to different formats:

1. Palette in time units

Bytes: <transition_time>|<RR><GG><BB> (4 bytes per entry)

Each entry specifies the time in units to go from the current value to the next value. The last entry must have a <transition_time> of 0x00. The unit is abstract, and only ratio between value are meaningful - the actual duration is derived from duration_ms where all indivudal <transition_time> are stretched to cover the desired duration.

This format makes it easier to adjust the transition time between colors


var PALETTE_TAG = bytes(
  "40"  "FF0000"    # red
  "40"  "FFA500"    # orange
  "40"  "FFFF00"    # yellow
  "40"  "00FF00"    # green
  "40"  "0000FF"    # blue
  "40"  "FF00FF"    # indigo
  "40"  "EE44A5"    # violet
  "00"  "FF0000"    # red

2. Palette in values

Bytes: <value>|<RR><GG><BB> (4 bytes per entry)

Each entry indicates what is the target color for a specific value. Values go from 0x00 to 0xFF (0..255). The first entry must start with 0x00 and the last must use value 0xFF.

This format is useful to use palettes that represent a color range.


var PALETTE_VAL = bytes(
  "00"  "FF0000"    # red
  "24"  "FFA500"    # orange
  "49"  "FFFF00"    # yellow
  "6E"  "008800"    # green
  "92"  "0000FF"    # blue
  "B7"  "4B0082"    # indigo
  "DB"  "EE82EE"    # violet
  "FF"  "FF0000"    # red

Note: you can generate a CSS linear-gradient of a palette with the following code:

import animate
# background:linear-gradient(to right,#FF0000 0.0%,#FFA500 14.3%,#FFFF00 28.6%,#00FF00 42.9%,#0000FF 57.1%,#FF00FF 71.4%,#FFFFFF 85.7%,#FF0000 100.0%);

Advanced features~

Hardware RMT channels~

This library uses NeoPixelBus library, and RMT hardware support in ESP32. The number of RMT channels, hence the number of simultaneous strips, depends on the CPU type. Tasmota native support for WS2812 uses RMT channel 0; it is not usable in such case.

CPU type RMT channels
ESP32 8
ESP32S2 4
ESP32C3 2

Currently RMT channel 0 is used by default if no GPIO WS2812-1 is configured, RMT channel 1 otherwise.