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Tasmota gives you the option to control the sound pattern of a buzzer.


A device LED can be assigned as a Buzzer component to display a blink pattern.

Buzzer command~

Parameters for the Buzzer command can be

all parameters are optional. (default is 1,1,1 (one 100 millisecond beep)).

number of beeps -1 for infinite, -2 to follow state of LED1;» v8.1.0.6

duration of one beep in 100 millisecond steps

duration of silence between beeps 100 millisecond steps

is a 32-bit bitmask where a 1 bit beeps and a 0 bit is silence according to <beep> and <silence>, respectively. The tune is played from most significant bit (MSB) to least significant bit (LSB). Leading and trailing 0 bits are ignored. If <tune> is specified, <count> is ignored (<count> for <tune> supported in » v8.1.0.6). If <tune> is 0, it is ignored.

Examples: 3 - Beep three times with 100 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause
2,3 - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 100 milliseconds pause
2,3,4 - Beep twice with 300 milliseconds duration and 400 milliseconds pause
1,2,3,0xF54 (0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 0101 0100). Each 1 bit beeps for 200 milliseconds and each bounded 0 bit pauses for 300 milliseconds

0 = stop active buzzer cycle  » v6.6.0.18