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Domoticz Tasmota supports Domoticz MQTT 'out of the box' for both relays and sensors.

Find below the procedure to configure Domoticz and Tasmota.


The following servers should be made available:

  • You have installed/access to a MQTT broker server and made contact with your Tasmota device
  • You have installed Domoticz

MQTT and Virtual Sensor~

If not already done configure Domoticz MQTT and Virtual Sensor hardware.

  • On the hardware page add Type MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface
    1. Give it a name
    2. Configure the interface with access to your MQTT server (Remote Address, Port, Username and Password)
    3. Set the Publish Topic preferably to Index although other options are also supported
    4. Set Topic In Prefix to domoticz/in and Topic Out Prefix to domoticz/out as default defined by Tasmota DOMOTICZ_IN_TOPIC and DOMOTICZ_OUT_TOPIC
  • On the hardware page add Type Dummy (used for virtual switches)
    1. Give it a name

Virtual Switch~

Make a new virtual switch and remember its Idx number.

  1. Make a new virtual switch to be used with Sonoff by clicking Create Virtual Sensors
    1. Give it a name
    2. Select Sensor Type Switch
  2. On the Devices page find the new switch by its name
    1. Remember its Idx number

Tasmota Configuration~

Domoticz Tasmota provides different ways to configure Domoticz parameters. Choose the method you prefer:

  • Use the webinterface and select Configuration - Configure Domoticz:
    1. Configure Idx 1 to the value read in step 2.i
  • Use MQTT and execute commands (if necessary, replace tasmota with unique topic you configured in Initital Configuration, see point 5 there):
    1. cmnd/tasmota/DzIdx1 with payload value read in step 2.i
  • Use the serial interface and execute commands:
    1. DzIdx1 with the value read in step 2.i


That's it! You can now control your device from the Domoticz user interface.

  • On the Switches page scroll down and find your Switch as configured in step 1
    • Toggle the light bulb; Tasmota should respond

Automatic Discovery~

Tasmota supports automatic discovery by Domoticz through the Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin.


The following services should be made available:

  • You have installed/access to a MQTT broker server and made contact with your sonoff
  • You have installed Domoticz
  • You have installed the Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin

MQTT Discovery Plugin~

Configure Domoticz MQTT Discovery plugin.

  • On the hardware page add Type MQTT Discovery
    1. Give it a name, e.g. Tasmota
    2. Configure the interface with access to your MQTT server (MQTT Server Address, Port, Username and Password)
    3. Set the Discovery topic to homeassistant unless it has been changed in a custom Tasmota build
    4. Set the Ignored device topic to /tasmota/ to avoid unconfigured Tasmota devices from being discovered

Tasmota Configuration~

Precompiled Binary~

  • Each Tasmota device must have its own topic, the easiest way is to set topic to tasmota_%06X (%06X will be replaced by MAC address). See here for how to set the topic.
  • Use MQTT or Serial or Web console and execute commands (replace %topic% with the device's unique topic)
    1. cmnd/%topic%/SetOption19 with payload 1 to enable MQTT discovery

Custom Binary~

  • The above settings can be defined in user_config_override.h (TBD)


That's it! You will now find your Sonoff in the Domoticz user interface.

  • On the Switches page scroll down and find your Switch as configured in step 1
    • Toggle the light bulb; Sonoff should respond

...including sensors~