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Matter Internals~

Matter protocol supported in all ESP32 variants (C3/S2/S3) since Tasmota v13.0.0. ESP8266 is not supported although ESP8266 devices can be handled via a single ESP32 in bridge mode (see below)

This feature is included in standard tasmota32xx builds; not in special variants (display, sensors...)

When compiling your build add the following flag to the build environment or user_config_override.h:


Below are implementation notes to understand and extend Matter.

Plugin System~

The plugin system is designed to have different implementations for different types of devices or sensors. Each Matter endpoint is managed by an instance of a Plugin class.

Endpoint root (0) is managed by the matter.Plugin_Root class because of its specific behavior.

We provide currently the following classes:

Plug-in class Description Bridge Virtual
Plugin_Device Generic device (abstract)
Plugin_Root Root node (type 0x0016)
Plugin_Aggregator Aggregator for Bridge mode (type 0x000E)
Plugin_OnOff Simple On/Off Plug (type 0x010A) x x
Plugin_Light0 Light with 0 channel (OnOff) (type 0x0100) x x
Plugin_Light1 Light with 1 channels (Dimmer) (type 0x0101) x x
Plugin_Light2 Light with 2 channels (CT) (type 0x010C) x x
Plugin_Light3 Light with 3 channels (RGB) (type 0x010D) x x
Plugin_Fan Fan (type 0x002B) Virtual only x
Plugin_Sensor Generic Sensor class (abstract)
Plugin_Sensor_Temp Temperature Sensor (type 0x0302) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Pressure Pressure Sensor (type 0x0305) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Illuminance Light/Illuminance Sensor (type 0x0106) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Humidity Humidity Sensor (type 0x0307) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Flow Flow Sensor (type 0x0306) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Boolean Generic Booleand Sensor class (abstract)
Plugin_Sensor_Occupancy Occupancy Sensor linked to a swithch (type 0x0107) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Contact Contact Sensor (type 0x0015) x x
Plugin_Sensor_OnOff OnOff Sensor (type 0x0850)
Plugin_Sensor_Rain Rain Sensor (type 0x0044) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Waterleak Water Leak Sensor (type 0x0043) x x
Plugin_Sensor_Air_Quality Air Quality Sensor (co2, pm...) (type 0x002C) x x
Plugin_Shutter Shutter (type 0x0202)
Plugin_Shutter_Tilt Shutter with Tilt control (type 0x0202)

Bridge: Tasmota is able to act as a Bridge to other Tasmota devices (ESP8266 or ESP32) and drive them via the HTTP API.

Virtual: the endpoint is not connected to any device by Tasmota, and can be driven by Berry code to drive any hardware device or simulate a hardware device.

Plugins Hierarchy:

+--- Matter_Plugin_Root
+--- Matter_Plugin_Aggregator
+--+ Matter_Plugin_Device
   |--+ Matter_Plugin_Light0
   |  +--+ Matter_Plugin_Light1
   |  |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Light2
   |  |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Light3
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_OnOff
   +--+ Matter_Plugin_Fan
   +--+ Matter_Plugin_Shutter
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_ShutterTilt
   +--+ Matter_Plugin_Sensor
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Humidity
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Temperature
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Pressure
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Illuminance
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Flow
   +--+ Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Boolean
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Contact
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Occupancy
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_OnOff
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_Rain
   |  +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_WaterLeak
   +--- Matter_Plugin_Sensor_AirQuality

All endpoints that support Bridge and Virtual have Matter_Plugin_Bridge_<name> and Matter_Plugin_Virt_<name> subclasses.

Plugin superclass~

All plugins inherit from the Matter_Plugin superclass.

Note: for solidification to succeed, you need to declare class Matter_Plugin end fake class in the same Berry file. The actual class will be used in solidified code.

Plugin method Description
init(device, endpoint, config) (can be overridden) Instantiate the plugin on a specific endpoint. You need to pass the root matter_device object, and the config map extracted from the JSON configuration

Core classes~

class matter.Device used as monad matter_device~

matter_device is a monad of matter.Device automatically created at boot. It checks if Matter si enabled (SetOption151 1) and instantiates all sub-systems.

Device attributes~

Device variables Description
plugins List of matter.Plugin().
Each plugin manages a distinct endpoint and the associated sub-device behavior
udp_server instance of matter.UDPServer() and is used to (re-)send and receive UDP packets
message_handler instance of matter.MessageHandler(), handles the dispatching of incoming packets to the relevant layers.
sessions instance of matter.Session_Store() which holds a list of matter.Session()
All active persistent and non-persistent sessions are listed here, and serve to dispatch incoming packets
Session are also linked to Fabric when persisted
ui instance of matter.UI()
Handles the web UI for Matter.

The following are saved as Matter device configuration

Configuration variables Description
root_discriminator as int
root_passcode as int
ipv4_only (bool) advertize only IPv4 addresses (no IPv6)
nextep (int) next endpoint to be allocated for bridge, start at 51

When commissioning is open, here are the variables used:

Commissioning variables Description
commissioning_open timestamp for timeout of commissioning (millis()) or nil if closed
commissioning_iterations current PBKDF number of iterations
commissioning_discriminator commissioning_discriminator
commissioning_salt current salt
commissioning_w0 current w0 (SPAKE2+)
commissioning_L current L (SPAKE2+)
commissioning_instance_wifi random instance name for commissioning (mDNS)
commissioning_instance_eth random instance name for commissioning (mDNS)

For default commissioning, the following values are used (and can be changed via UI):

Root Commissioning variables Description
root_iterations PBKDF number of iterations
  PBKDF information used only during PASE (freed afterwards)

Device methods~

Method Description
start_root_basic_commissioning(timeout_s) Start Basic Commissioning with root/UI parameters
Open window for timeout_s (default 10 minutes)
remove_fabric(fabric) Remove a fabric and clean all corresponding values and mDNS entries
start_basic_commissioning(timeout_s, iterations, discriminator, salt, w0, L, admin_fabric) Start Basic Commissioning Window with custom parameters
is_root_commissioning_open() Is root commissioning currently open. Mostly for UI to know if QRCode needs to be shown.
stop_basic_commissioning() Stop PASE commissioning, mostly called when CASE is about to start
compute_qrcode_content() Compute QR Code content - can be done only for root PASE
compute_manual_pairing_code() Compute the 11 digits manual pairing code (without vendorid nor productid) p.223
can be done only for root PASE (we need the passcode, but we don't get it with OpenCommissioningWindow command)
every_second() Dispatch second-resolution ticks to: sessions, message_handler, plugins.
Expire commissioning window.
Called by Tasmota loop.
start_operational_discovery_deferred(session) Start Operational Discovery for this session
Deferred until next tick.
start_commissioning_complete_deferred(session) Start Commissioning Complete for this session
Deferred until next tick.
start_operational_discovery(session) Start Operational Discovery for this session
Stop Basic Commissioning and clean PASE specific values (to save memory). Announce fabric entry in mDNS.
start_commissioning_complete(session) Commissioning Complete
Stop basic commissioning.
get_active_endpoints(exclude_zero) Return the list of endpoints from all plugins (distinct), exclude endpoint zero if exclude_zero is true
save_param() Persistence of Matter Device parameters
load_param() Load Matter Device parameters

Incoming messages handing

Method Description
msg_received(raw, addr, port) Callback when message is received.
Send to message_handler
msg_send(raw, addr, port, id) Global entry point for sending a message.
Delegates to udp_server
received_ack(id) Signals that a ack was received.
Delegates to udp_server to remove from resending list.
attribute_updated(endpoint, cluster, attribute, fabric_specific) Signal that an attribute has been changed and propagate to any active subscription.
Delegates to message_handler
process_attribute_expansion(ctx, cb) Proceed to attribute expansion (used for Attribute Read/Write/Subscribe)
Called only when expansion is needed, so we don't need to report any error since they are ignored

Calls cb(pi, ctx, direct) for each attribute expanded.
pi: plugin instance targeted by the attribute (via endpoint). Note: nothing is sent if the attribute is not declared in supported attributes in plugin.
ctx: context object with endpoint, cluster, attribute (no command)
direct: true if the attribute is directly targeted, false if listed as part of a wildcard
returns: true if processed successfully, false if error occurred. If direct, the error is returned to caller, but if expanded the error is silently ignored and the attribute skipped.
In case of direct but the endpoint/cluster/attribute is not supported, it calls cb(nil, ctx, true) so you have a chance to encode the exact error (UNSUPPORTED_ENDPOINT / UNSUPPORTED_CLUSTER / UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE / UNREPORTABLE_ATTRIBUTE)
invoke_request(session, val, ctx) Matter plugin management
Plugins allow to specify response to read/write attributes and command invokes


Method Description
init(raw, addr, port, id) Create raw UDP packet with bytes() content, target addr (string) and port (int). If id is not nil enqueue until acked
send(socket) Send packet now. Returns true if packet was successfully sent.


Method Description
start_mdns_announce_hostnames() Start mDNS and announce hostnames for Wi-Fi and ETH from MAC
When the announce is active, hostname_wifi and hostname_eth are defined
mdns_announce_PASE() Announce MDNS for PASE commissioning
mdns_remove_PASE() MDNS remove any PASE announce
mdns_announce_op_discovery_all_fabrics() Start UDP mDNS announcements for commissioning for all persisted sessions
mdns_announce_op_discovery(fabric) Start UDP mDNS announcements for commissioning
mdns_remove_op_discovery_all_fabrics() Remove all mDNS announces for all fabrics
mdns_remove_op_discovery(fabric) Remove mDNS announce for fabric
save_before_restart() Try to clean MDNS entries before restart.
Called by Tasmota loop as a Tasmota driver.

Class UDPServer~

This class creates a monad (singleton) in charge of receiving and sending all UDP packets. Packets to sent are generally put in a queue, and are re-sent with exponential backoff until they are acknowledged by the receiver (as part of Matter over UDP) or after the maximum of retries have been made.

Method Description
init(addr, port) Init UDP Server listening to addr and port (opt). By default, the server listens to "" (all addresses) and port 5540
start(cb) Starts the server. Registers as device handler to Tasmota.
cb(packet, from_addr, from_port): callback to call when a message is received.
Raises an exception if something is wrong.
stop() Stops the server and remove driver
every_50ms() At every tick: Check if a packet has arrived, and dispatch to cb. Read at most `MAX_PACKETS_READ (4) packets at each tick to avoid any starvation.
Then resend queued outgoing packets.
_resend_packets() Resend packets if they have not been acknowledged by receiver either with direct Ack packet or ack embedded in another packet. Packets with id=nil are not resent.
Packets are re-sent at most RETRIES (4) times, i.e. sent maximum 5 times. Exponential back off is added after each resending.
If all retries expired, remove packet and log.
received_ack() Just received acknowledgment, remove packet from sender
send_response(raw, addr, port, id, session_id) Send a packet, enqueue it if id is not nil.
session_id is only used for logging.


matter_device.message_handler is a monad of matter.MessageHandler

Dispatches incoming messages and sends outgoing messages

Variables of Message Handler Description
device Reference to the global matter_device instance
commissioning Commissioning Context instance, handling the PASE/CASE phases
im Instance of matter.IM handling Interaction Model

General methods:

Method Description
init(device) Constructor, instantiates monads for commissioning and im
msg_received(raw, addr, port) Called by matter_device when a message is received.
- decodes the message header
- associates the message with the corresponding active session, or create a new session
- dispatches to commissioning or im depending on the message type
- sends an Ack packet if the received packet had the reliable flag set and if the Ack was not already managed upper stack.
send_response(raw, addr, port, id, session_id) Send a packet. Proxy to the same method in device


Implements the TLV encoding and decoding as defined in Appendix A of the Matter specification. TLV stands for Tag-length-value encoding. It is a way to encode tagged values and structures in a binary compact format. Most Matter messages are encoded in TLV.

Parse and print: m = matter.TLV.parse(b) print(m)

TLV Types~

Type Description
I1 I2 I4 Signed integer of at most (1/2/4) bytes (as 32 bits signed Berry type)
U1 U2 U4 Unsigned integer of at most (1/2/4) bytes (as 32 bits signed Berry type, be careful when comparing. Use matter.Counter.is_greater(a,b))
I8 U8 Signed/unsigned 8 bytes. You can pass bytes(8), int64() or int. Type is collapsed to a lower type if possible when encoding.
BOOL Boolean, takes true and false. Abstracts the internal BTRUE and BFALSE that you don't need to use
FLOAT 32 bites float
UTF1 UTF2 String as UTF, size is encoded as 1 or 2 bytes automatically
B1 B2 raw bytes(), size is encoded as 1 or 2 bytes automatically
NULL takes only nil value
(internal) Use through abstractions
B4 B8
Unsupported in Tasmota

Creating TLV~

Simple value:

matter.TLV.create_TLV(type, value)


matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.UTF1, "Hello world")
matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.BOOL, true)
matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.NULL, nil)
matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.FLOAT, 3.5)
matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.I2, -345)
matter.TLV.create_TLV(matter.TLV.U8, bytes("DEADBEEFDEADBEEF"))


When a subscription is issued by an initiator, we create an instance of matter.IM_Subscription which holds:

  • the CASE session on which the subscription was issued. If the session is closed, the subscription dies. Subscriptions are not persisted and stop if reboot
  • subscription_id (int) used to tell the initiator which subscription it was
  • path_list list of matter.Path instances recording all the attributes subscribed to. They can include wildcards
  • min_interval and max_interval (in seconds): Tasmota waits at least min_interval before sending a new value, and sends a message before max_interval (usually heartbeats to signal that the subscription is still alive). Generally changes to attributes are dispatched immediately.
  • fabric_filtered: not used for now

Below are internal arguments:

  • not_before: the actual timestamp that we should wait before sending updates, as to respect min_interval
  • expiration: the maximum timestamp we can wait before sending a heartbeat. Both are updated after we sent a new value
  • wait_status: signals that we sent everything and we wait for the final StatusReport to resume sending further updates
  • is_keep_alive (bool) did the last message was a keep-alive, if so we just expect a Ack and no StatusReport
  • updates: list of concrete attributes that have values changed since last update. They don't contain the new value, we will actually probe each attribute value when sending the update


This class (monad) contains the global list of all active subscriptions. Method|Description :----|:--- init(im)|Instantiate the monad with the global IM monad new_subscription(session, req)|Take a session and a SubscribeRequestMessage, parse the message and create a matter.IM_Subscription instance.
Returns the matter.IM_Subscription() instance. Also allocates a new subscription id.

What happens when an attribute is updated~

Subscriptions are triggered by the value of an attribute changing. They can originate from an explicit WRITE Matter command from an initiator or another device, of be the consequence of a Matter command (like switching a light ON). The can also originated from independent source, like an action at Tasmota level (using Tasmota Power command), or Tasmota detecting that a sensor value has changed after periodical polling.

Note: default plugins for Lights actually probe Tasmota light status every second, and report any difference between the last known change (also called shadow value) and the current status. We realized that it was more consistent and reliable than trying to create rules for every event.

When an attribute's value changed, you need to call the plugin's method
self.attribute_updated(<endpoint_id>, <cluster_id>, <attribute_id> [, <fabric_specific>])

<fabric_specific> (bool) is optional and currently ignored and reserved for future use.

The endpoint_id argument is optional. If the endpoint is unknown, the message is broadcast to all endpoints that support reading this attributes:
self.attribute_updated(nil, <cluster_id>, <attribute_id>)

More generally, you can use the global method to signal an attribute change from any code:
matter_device.attribute_updated(nil, <cluster_id>, <attribute_id>)

Note: internally this method creates a matter.Path instance and calls, fabric_specific)
which in turns calls attribute_updated_ctx(ctx, fabric_specific) on every active subscription.

Calls to attribute_updated_ctx() are first check whether the attribute matches the filtering criteria's (that may include wildcards). If they match, the attribute is candidate to be added to the list. We then call _add_attribute_unique_path() to check if the attribute is not already in the list, and if not add it to the list of future updates. It's possible that during the min_interval time, an attribute may change value multiple times; yet we publish a single value (the last one).


TheSubscription_Shop monad checks every 250ms if there are updates ready to be sent via every_250ms().

It does a first scan across all active subscriptions if updates can be sent out:

  • subscription is not in wait_status (i.e. not waiting for a previous exchange to complete)
  • subscription has a non-empty list of updates
  • subscription has reached the not_before timestamp (so as to not sent too frequent updates)

If so:

  • im.send_subscribe_update(sub) is called
  • the subscription list of updates is cleared via sub.clear_before_arm()

Once all updates are sent, the subscription are scanned again to see if any heartbeat needs to be sent:

  • subscription is not in wait_status
  • subscription has reached expiration timestamp If so:
  • im.send_subscribe_update(sub) is called
  • the subcription list of updates is cleared via sub.clear_before_arm() XXX TODO

Extending Matter~

All Matter support code is located in berry_matter as a lib, which avoids polluting the main directory of drivers. Berry allows to develop much faster compared to C++, and performance is mostly not an issue with Matter.

The Berry code is located in the embedded directory. Then the code is compiled into bytecode and the bytecode is stored in Flash. This avoids consuming RAM which is a very previous resource on ESP32. To solidify, you just need to run ./ in berry_matter. But before you need to have a local version of Berry: in berry directory, just do make. For windows users, compiling Berry can be challenging so a pre-compiled berry.exe is provided.

Creating a new endpoint type (class)~

Ideally select the best super class and inherit from it. Most new type will derive from Matter_Plugin_Device.

Below are the class attributes that need to be defined or are inherited from their superclass

Method Description
TYPE Internal name of the plugin class as referenced in configuration JSON.
This attribute is mandatory and its value must be different from all other classes.
BRIDGE Set to true if this endpoint is a bridged, i.e. used to drive a remote ESP8266 or OpenBK device. If such, some additional methods need to be defined, like parse_status, web_values and web_values_prefix
VRITUAL Set to true if the device is purely virtual and driven by Berry code or updated with MtrUpdate command
DISPLAY_NAME The user-readable name of the plugin class, to be displayed in WebUI
ARG The main argument key name in configuraiton JSON
ARG_TYPE A Berry function used to enforce the type of the argument, like / x -> int(x)
ARG_HINT A hint message displayed in the WebUI about what to put in the argument field
UPDATE_CMD Tasmota command used to update the internal shadow value, and potentially update the Matter controller if a subscription is active
UPDATE_TIME Update every UPDATE_TIME milliseconds. It can be very small for features driven by Berry functions (lights) but needs to be set for several seconds if it requires a Status comment or a remote (bridge) access
CLUSTERS Map of supported clusters and attributes per clusters. You need only to set the class specific attributes, the complete list is consolidated with superclasses at compile time.
TYPES A map of the supported "device type" as per Matter device list specification, and the revision of the spec for this device type
UPDATE_COMMANDS List of all MtrUpdate commands supportde. The list is consolidated with superclasses at compile time