How to setup and configure "OTA over SCP" upload for PlatformIO. The uploader pushes .bin files to remote OTA server using SCP (SSH connection). Images can be served to Tasmotas from there.
To upload .bin images to OTA server using SCP, edit the following lines under target environment:
; *** Upload file to OTA server using SCP
upload_port = USER@HOST:/path
extra_scripts = pio/
SSH communication between the build server and OTA server should be pre-configured so that it doesn't require password (pre-shared keys).
Add the pre-shared key~
On a linux client machine type the following to generate the key. Press enter three times (without any input):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "YOUR OWN KEY DESCRIPTION"
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ USER@HOST
sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart
Upload Tasmota~
Easy compilation and upload can be performed from the icons at the left side of the PlatformIO screen or use Ctrl
+ Alt
+ U
to upload (will build if needed).