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Rules expand the functionality of Tasmota with user configurable flexible logic

Tasmota provides a Rule feature heavily inspired by the ESPEasy implementation while maintaining a small memory footprint. Automation solutions can be implemented without having to add dedicated code or use external solutions.

Rules perform actions based on triggers (e.g., switch state change, temperature threshold, events like system boot, a defined timer elapsing, custom defined events, etc.) They are stored in flash and therefore will survive a reboot.


Most pre-compiled builds have the Rules feature enabled. If you are >compiling your own firmware, in order to use rules, include #define USE_RULES in user_config_override.h.

List of Rules Commands

Rule Syntax~

Rule definition syntax

ON <trigger> DO <command> [ENDON | BREAK]
  • ON - marks the beginning of a rule
  • <trigger> - what condition needs to occur for the rule to trigger
  • DO - statement marking end of trigger and beginning of command part
  • <command> - command that is executed if the <trigger> condition is met
  • ENDON - marks the end of a rule. It can be followed by another rule.
  • BREAK - marks the end of a rule. BREAK will stop the execution of the remaining rules that follow this rule within the rule set. If a rule that ends with BREAK is triggered, the following rules in that rule set will not be executed. This allows the rules to somewhat simulate an "IF/ELSE" statement.

Rule sets are defined by using the Rule<x> command. After defining a rule set, you have to enable it (turn it on) using Rule<x> 1. Similarly you can disable the rule set using Rule<x> 0.


If bootloops are detected all rules will be disabled as a precaution. See SetOption36.

There are three separate rule sets called Rule1, Rule2 and Rule3. Each rule set can contain many rules. The number of rules that can fit in a rule set varies, but expect at least 1000 characters available per set. Additionally, rules are dynamically compressed, meaning they will be compressed automatically when doing so is required, but left uncompressed until that point.

Whenever a rule set is enabled all the rules in it will be active. If the character count of the rules in one set actually exceeds the limit, start using the next rule set. If you have a long list of rules, verify the rules have all fit by inspecting the resulting log.

Rules inside a rule set Rule<x> are concatenated and entered as a single statement.

Rule<x> ON <trigger1> DO <command> ENDON ON <trigger2> DO <command> ENDON ...

Spaces after ON, around DO, and before ENDON or BREAK are mandatory. A rule is not case sensitive.

Rule Trigger~

Rule trigger names are derived from the JSON message displayed in the console. Each JSON level (all values enclosed in {...}) is separated in the trigger with a #. Top level JSON fields are referenced without any #, except when the JSON has only one field, where you need #Data.

A rule trigger can consist of:

  • [TriggerName]#[ValueName]
  • [TriggerName]#[ValueName][comparison][value]
  • [SensorName]#[ValueName]
  • [SensorName]#[ValueName][comparison][value]
  • Tele-[SensorName]#[ValueName]
  • [TriggerName1]#[TriggerName2]#[ValueName]
  • [TriggerName1]#?#[ValueName]
  • [ValueName]
  • [ValueName#Data]

Use ? as a wildcard for a single trigger level. Rule will trigger on [TriggerName]#?#[Value] where ? is any value.


Rule with a trigger of ZBReceived#?#Power=0 will trigger on {"ZBReceived":{"0x4773":{"Power":0}}} and on {"ZBReceived":{"aqara_switch":{"Power":0}}} both.


Same trigger may be used in more than one rule. This may be required for some cases of using IF/ELSE since an IF statement cannot be used within a Backlog.

Rule Trigger Comparison Operators~

Operator Function
= equal to (used for string comparison)
== equal to (used for numerical comparison)
> greater than
< lesser than
!= number not equal to (for string see below)
>= greater than or equal to
<= lesser than or equal to
$< string starts with
$> string ends with
$| string contains
$! string is not equal to
$^ string do not contains
| used for modulo operation with remainder = 0 (exact division)

Examples of Available Triggers~

This is just a sampling of available triggers to showcase what is possible and not a definitive list

Trigger When it occurs
Analog#A0div10 when the A0 input changes by more than 1% it provides a value between 0 and 100
Button2#State when a button changes state:
0 = OFF
1 = ON
3 = HOLD
Clock#Timer=3 when global Timer3 is activated
Dimmer#Boot occurs after Tasmota starts
Dimmer#State when the value for Dimmer is changed
Eth#Connected when Ethernet is connected (ESP32 only)
Eth#Disconnected when Ethernet is disconnected (ESP32 only)
Event#eventName when command Event eventName is executed. You can define your own event values and trigger them with the Event command. An event with a = will provide a %value% to use in the execution part of the rule. Example: Command Event speed=2 in rule trigger on event#speed will have the %value% of 2.
FanSpeed#Data=3 when the fan speed is set to 3
Mem<x>#State when the value for Mem<x> is changed
Mqtt#Connected when MQTT is connected
Mqtt#Disconnected when MQTT is disconnected
Power1#Boot Relay1 state before Wi-Fi and MQTT are connected and before Time sync but after PowerOnState is executed. Power#Boot triggers before System#Boot.
This trigger's value will be the last state of Relay1 if PowerOnState is set to its default value (3).
Power1#State when a power output is changed
use Power1#state=0 and Power1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on
Power2 for Relay2, etc.
Rotary1#Pos1 when rotary encoder change. See Use a rotary encoder.
Rules#Timer=<x> when countdown RuleTimer<x> expires (x = 1..8).
Switch1#Boot occurs after Tasmota starts before it is initializated.
Switch1#State when a switch changes to state. Will not trigger if SwitchTopic is set.
use Switch1#state=0 and Switch1#state=1 for comparison, not =off or =on
0 = OFF
1 = ON
3 = HOLD (SwitchTopic 0 must be set for this to trigger)
4 = INC_DEC (increment or decrement dimmer)
5 = INV (change from increment to decrement dimmer and vice versa)
6 = CLEAR (button released for the time set with SetOption32)
System#Boot occurs once after Tasmota is fully initialized (after the INFO1, INFO2 and INFO3 console messages). System#Boot triggers after Wi-Fi and MQTT (if enabled) are connected. If you need a trigger prior to every service being initialized, use Power1#Boot
System#Init occurs once after restart before Wi-Fi and MQTT are initialized
System#Save executed just before a planned restart
Time#Initialized once when NTP is initialized and time is in sync
Time#Minute every minute
Time#Minute|5 every five minutes
Time#Minute=241 every day once at 04:01 (241 minutes after midnight)
Time#Set every hour when NTP makes time in sync
Var<x>#State when the value for Var<x> is changed (triggers whenever a value is written to Var<x> even if it's the same value)
Wifi#Connected when Wi-Fi is connected
Wifi#Disconnected when Wi-Fi is disconnected
Tele-Heap when a teleperiod message is sent with available heap memory (example of top-level JSON)
Tele-Wifi#AP when a teleperiod message is sent with the number of the used AP
Tele-Wifi#Ssid when a teleperiod message is sent with the name of the used AP
Tele-Wifi#Bssid when a teleperiod message is sent with the name of the bSSID
Tele-Wifi#Channel when a teleperiod message is sent with the number of the wifi channel used
Tele-Wifi#RSSI when a teleperiod message is sent with the RSSI LEVEL
Tele-Wifi#LinkCount when a teleperiod message is sent with the number of wifi disconnections
Tele-Wifi#Downtime when a teleperiod message is sent with the total seconds of wifi disconnections

Every command with a JSON payload response has an associated rule trigger, with the exception of Power#Data and Switch, which are superseded by by the Power#State and Switch#State trigger.

Trigger When it occurs
<command>#Data A one level JSON payload such as {"Command":"value"}. For example, for {"Fanspeed":3}, the trigger isFanspeed#Data.
<command>#level1#level2#levelN A multi-level JSON payload such as {"TriggerLevel1":{"TriggerLevel2":{"ValueName":"value"}}} does NOT have the #Data trigger. Instead, the trigger for these responses is TriggerLevel1#TriggerLevel2#ValueName.

When the JSON payload response is produced by a command executed by a rule i.e. on time=120 do status 8 endon, the StatusSNS#Data trigger will not fire unless the command is wrapped in backlog i.e. on time=120 do backlog status 8 endon


For {"PulseTime2":{"Set":0,"Remaining":0}}, the triggers are PulseTime2#Set and PulseTime2#Remaining.|

For a 3 level JSON message such as {"ZbReceived":{"test_switch":{"Device":"0x0C94","Power":1,"Endpoint":8,"LinkQuality":70}}} one possible trigger is ZbReceived#test_switch#Power or another ZbReceived#test_switch#LinkQuality

Connected sensors can be a trigger in the form as they are represented in the TelePeriod and Status 8 JSON payloads.

Trigger When it occurs
DS18B20#Temperature whenever the temperature of sensor DS18B20 updates (also unchanged)
DS18B20#Temperature<20 whenever the temperature of sensor DS18B20 is below 20 degrees
BME280#Humidity==55.5 whenever the humidity of sensor BEM280 equals 55.5%
INA219#Current>0.100 whenever the current drawn is more than 0.1A
Energy#Power>100 whenever the power used is more than 100W

When the payload consists of an array of data eg: "ENERGY":{"Current":[1.320,2.100]}

Trigger When it occurs
Energy#Current[N] N = Number of the field. 1 for the first 1.320, 2 for the second 2.100 etc.
Energy#Current[1]>1.000 whenever the first value of Energy#Current is higher than 1.000.

To trigger only at TelePeriod time, prefix the sensor with the word Tele-.

Trigger When it occurs
Tele-AM2301#Temperature sensor AM2301 Temperature value when the TelePeriod JSON payload is output

Hardware and software serial interface, RF, IR and TuyaMCU are also supported based on their JSON status message:

Trigger When it occurs
TuyaReceived#Data=<hex_string> whenever <hex_string> is received with TuyaMCU component
SerialReceived#Data=<string> whenever <string> is received via hardware serial
SSerialReceived#Data=<string> whenever <string> is received via software serial
IrReceived#Data=801 whenever an IR signal for a RC5 remote control button 1 is received
IrReceived#Data=0x00FF9867 whenever an IR signal with hex code 0x00FF9867 is received
RfReceived#RfKey=4 whenever the RF Bridge receives a recognized RfKey 4 signal
RfReceived#Data=0xE8329E whenever an RF signal with hex code 0xE8329E is received

Rule Command~

A rule command can be any command listed in the Commands list. The command's <parameter> can be replaced with %value% which will use the value of the trigger, strings are folded to uppercase.

ON Switch1#State DO Power %value% ENDON

To accomplish a rule with one trigger but several commands, you need to use Backlog:

ON <trigger> DO Backlog <command1>; <command2>; <command3> ENDON

Appending new rule onto an existing rule set
Use the + character to append a new rule to the rule set. For example:

    Existing Rule1: ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Mem2 %time% ENDON

    Rule to append: ON Button1#state DO POWER TOGGLE ENDON

    Command: Rule1 + ON button1#state DO POWER TOGGLE ENDON

    Resulting in

Rule1 ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Mem2 %time% ENDON ON Button1#state DO POWER TOGGLE ENDON

You can repeate the same trigger in rules.

  ON Power2#state=1 DO Power1 1 ENDON
  ON Power2#state=1 DO RuleTimer1 100 ENDON

Rule Variables~

There are thirty-two (32) available variables (single precision reals) in Tasmota: Var1..Var16 and Mem1..Mem16. They provide a means to store the trigger %value% to be used in any rule.
All Var will be empty strings when the program starts. The value of all Mem persists after a reboot.

The value of a Var<x> and Mem<x> can be:

  • any number
  • any text
  • %var1% to %var16%
  • %mem1% to %mem16%
  • %color%
  • %deviceid%
  • %macaddr%
  • %power1% to number of power channels
  • %sunrise%
  • %sunset%
  • %switch1% to number of switch gpios
  • %time%
  • %timer1% to %timer16%
  • %timestamp%
  • %topic%
  • %uptime%
  • %utctime%
  • %zbdevice%
  • %zbgroup%
  • %zbcluster%
  • %zbendpoint%

To set the value for Var<x> and Mem<x> use the command

  • Var<x> <value>
  • Mem<x> <value>

The <value> can also be the value of the trigger of the rule.

  • Set Var2 to the temperature of the AM2301 sensor - ON AM2301#Temperature DO Var2 %value% ENDON
  • Set Var4 to Var2's value - ON Event#temp DO Var4 %Var2% ENDON
  • Set Mem2 to the current time (minutes elapsed since midnight) - ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Mem2 %time% ENDON
  • After a Wi-Fi reconnect event, publish a payload containing timestamps of when Wi-Fi was disconnected in From: and when Wi-Fi re-connected in To: to stat/topic/BLACKOUT.
  ON wifi#disconnected DO Var1 %timestamp% ENDON
  ON wifi#connected DO Var2 %timestamp% ENDON
  ON mqtt#connected DO Publish stat/topic/BLACKOUT {"From":"%Var1%","To":"%Var2%"} ENDON

Delete rule~

To clear / delete use double quote(s):

Rule1 "

Conditional Rules~


This feature is now included in ESP32 builds as well as in ESP8266 builds since v13.3.0.4.

Major features~

  • Support IF, ELSEIF, ELSE
  • Support for <comparison> and <logical expression> as condition
  • Support for executing multiple commands
  • Available free RAM is the only limit for logical operators and parenthesis.



  • IF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list> {ELSEIF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list>} [ELSE <statement-list>] ENDIF

Parentheses must enclose the expression. They can also be used to explicitly control the order of evaluation.

  • <comparison-expression>
  • ( <comparison-expression> | <logical-expression> ) {{AND | OR} <logical-expression>}
  • ( <logical-expression> ) {AND | OR} <logical expression>}


  • <expression> {= | < | > | | | == | <= | >= | !=} <expression>


  • <statement> {; <statement>}


  • {<Tasmota-command> | <if-statement>}


IF statement supports 3 formats:

  • IF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list> ENDIF
  • IF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list> ELSE <statement-list> ENDIF
  • IF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list> [ELSEIF (<logical-expression>) <statement-list> ] ELSE <statement-list> ENDIF

When the <if-statement> directly follows the trigger the standard 'Do' syntax applies, however, it is not necessary to use 'Backlog' within the chain Rule1 ON Power1#State DO IF (%value%==1) Backlog Power2 1;Power3 1 ENDIF ENDON is permitted Rule1 ON Power1#State DO IF (%value%==1) Power2 1;Power3 1 ENDIF ENDON is also permitted

When the <if-statement> is preceded by other Tasmota commands you should use Backlog along with Do , e.g.
Rule1 ON ENERGY#Current>10 DO Backlog Power1 0; IF (%var1%==1) Power1 1 ENDIF;Power 2 0;Power3 1 ENDON and not Rule1 ON ENERGY#Current>10 DO Power1 0; IF (%var1%==1) Power1 1 ENDIF ENDON or Rule1 ON ENERGY#Current>10 Backlog Power1 0; IF (%var1%==1) Power1 1 ENDIF ENDON

(<logical-expression>) example: (VAR1>=10)
- Multiple comparison expressions with logical operator AND or OR between them. AND has higher priority than OR. For example:
((UPTIME>100) AND (MEM1==1) OR (MEM2==1))
- Parenthesis can be used to change the priority of the logical expression evaluation. For example:
((UPTIME>100) AND ((MEM1==1) OR (MEM2==1)))

  • Following variables can be used in <condition>:
Symbol Description
VAR<x> variable (<x> = 1..MAX_RULE_VARS, e.g., VAR2)
MEM<x> persistent variable (<x> = 1..MAX_RULE_MEMS, e.g., MEM3)
TIME minutes past midnight
UPTIME uptime minutes
UTCTIME UTC time, UNIX timestamp, seconds since 01/01/1970
LOCALTIME local time, UNIX timestamp
SUNRISE current sunrise time (minutes past midnight)
SUNSET current sunset time (minutes past midnight)
COLOR current color

- A Tasmota command (e.g.,LedPower on)
- Another IF statement (IF ... ENDIF)
- Multiple Tasmota commands or IF statements separated by ;. For example:
Power1 off; LedPower on; IF (Mem1==0) Var1 Var1+1; Mem1 1 ENDIF; Delay 10; Power1 on
Backlog is implied and is not required (saves rule set buffer space).

But not like this: Power1 off; LedPower on; IF (Mem1==0) Var1 Var1+1; Mem1 1 ENDIF; Delay 10; Power1 on

You should split it in two lines like: ON Power2#state=1 DO Power1 off; LedPower on; ENDON ON Power2#state=1 DO IF (Mem1==0) Var1 Var1+1; Mem1 1 ENDIF; Delay 10; Power1 on ENDON


Rule used to control pressure cooker with a Sonoff S31. Once it is finished cooking, shut off the power after 10 minutes.

 ON system#boot DO var1 0 ENDON
 ON energy#power>100 DO if (var1!=1) ruletimer1 0;var1 1 endif ENDON
 ON tele-energy#power<50 DO if (var1==1) var1 2;ruletimer1 600 endif ENDON
 ON rules#timer=1 DO Backlog var1 0;power off ENDON  

Expressions in Rules~


This feature is now included in ESP32 builds as well as in ESP8266 builds since v13.3.0.4.

Beginning with Tasmota version, an optional feature for using mathematical expressions in rules was introduced.

Supported Commands~

Once the feature is enabled, the use of expressions is supported in the following commands:


Expressions can use of the following operators. They are listed by the order of operations priority, from higher to lower.

  • ( ) (parentheses can be used to explicitly control the order of operations)
  • ^ (power)
  • % (modulo, division by zero returns modulo "0")
  • * and / (multiplication and division; division by zero returns "0")
  • + and - (addition and subtraction)


  • 1+2*2 results in 5.0 as the multiplication is done first due to its higher priority
  • (1+2)*2 results in 6.0

In addition to numeric constants, the following symbolic values can be used:

Symbol Description
VAR<x> variable (<x> = 1..MAX_RULE_VARS, e.g., VAR2)
MEM<x> persistent variable (<x> = 1..MAX_RULE_MEMS, e.g., MEM3)
TIME minutes past midnight
UPTIME uptime minutes
UTCTIME UTC time, UNIX timestamp, seconds since 01/01/1970
LOCALTIME local time, UNIX timestamp
SUNRISE current sunrise time (minutes past midnight)
SUNSET current sunset time (minutes past midnight)
COLOR current color



To use expressions in the Var, Mem and RuleTimer commands, an equal sign (=) character has to be used after the command. If not, the traditional syntax interpretation is used.

Statement Var1 Result
Var1=42 42
Var1 1+1 "1+1" (the literal string)
Var1=1+1 2
Var1=sunset-sunrise duration of daylight in minutes

Rule Cookbook~

Long press on a switch~

This example is for GPIOs defined as switches not buttons

Activate long press action with Switchmode 5 and shorten long press time to 2 seconds (Setoption32 20).

Backlog SwitchMode 5; SetOption32 20
Rule ON switch1#state=3 DO publish cmnd/tasmota02/POWER 2 ENDON

Long pressing on switch1 sends POWER 2 (toggle action) command to the tasmota02 device

Notice we use Rule which edits Rule1 rule set. They can be used interchangeably. If your rule does not trigger there could some constraints, in this case if SwitchTopic has a value it will override rules for switches and will need to be disabled: SwitchTopic 0.

Send MQTT message on button press~

When a button is pressed the user has the possibility to send a MQTT message based on FullTopic and ButtonTopic. This MQTT message is going to be received by the MQTT broker and if there is any other device(s) subscribed to that Topic, it will receive also that message. So this approach can be used for sending messages/commands to MQTT Broker to Home Automation System, and/or sending messages/commands to MQTT Broker to other device(s).

A problem with this solution is that on a Sonoff 4CH all four buttons will be sending the same MQTT topic using only a different Power index number like cmnd/ButtonTopic/Power3 toggle.

By using a rule a single button can send any MQTT message allowing for more flexibility.

Disable ButtonTopic as it overrides rules for buttons: ButtonTopic 0


  ON button1#state DO publish cmnd/ring2/power %value% ENDON
  ON button2#state DO publish cmnd/strip1/power %value% ENDON

You will need to enable this rule if it's the first time you've used rule with Rule1 1


When Button1 is pressed the rule kicks in and sends a MQTT message substituting variable %value% with the button state, f.e cmnd/ring2/Power 2. When Button2 is pressed an MQTT message cmnd/strip1/Power 2 will be sent.

Usage of one-shot (once)~

The rule command once option provides the possibility to trigger only once ON a slow change while the change is still within the bounds of the test.

  ON ENERGY#Current>0.100 DO publish tool/tablesaw/power 1 ENDON
  ON ENERGY#Current<0.100 DO publish tool/tablesaw/power 0 ENDON

This creates a rule to publish MQTT commands whenever a Sonoff POW has current passing through it. Used as is, it will publish MQTT commands repeatedly, over and over, while current is >0.100 ... but, executing another command:

Rule 5

Now the MQTT message will be sent once, and only once, while the condition is met. This is perfect for thermostat on/off depending on temperature, bathroom extractor fan on/off depending on humidity, workshop dust collector on/off depending on whether some dust-producing machine is running.

It meets the 'hard thermostat' requests that have been common.

Use a potentiometer~

Connecting a potentiometer to the Analog A0 input and a rule can be used to control the dimmer state of any device.

Hardware - Wemos D1 mini - Potentiometer of 2k2 connected to Gnd, A0 and 3V3 - WS2812 LED

Rule ON analog#a0div10 DO dimmer %value% ENDON


Turning the potentiometer the voltage on the analog input will change resulting in a value change of 0 (Off) to 100 for the trigger. Using this value to control the dimmer of the WS2812 will control the brightness of the led(s)

Rule ON analog#a0div10 DO publish cmnd/grouplight/dimmer %value% ENDON

Result This time all lights configured with GroupTopic grouplight will change their brightness according to the potentiometer position.

NOTE: You might want to execute command SaveData 2 to reduce flash writes ;-)

Use a rotary encoder~

You can capture in rules the value of a rotary encoder connected to 2 GPIOs configured as Rotary_a|<n> and Rotary_b|<n>. Optionally the button of the rotary encoder can be connected to another GPIO configured as Button|<n>. <n> must be the same to allow the encoder to manage 2 absolute counters from the same rotary encoder.

To get triggers from the rotary encoder into rules, you must enable SetOption98 1. The rotary encoder <n> provides a JSON in the form of {'Rotary<n>': {'Pos1': value, 'Pos2': value}}. You can use the following rules triggers:

SetOption98 1
  ON Rotary1#Pos1 DO something_with %value% ENDON
  ON Rotary1#Pos2 DO something_with %value% ENDON


Pos1 is changed when the rotary encoder is turned while button is not pressed. Pos2 is changed while button is pressed. Both Pos1 and Pos2 are published whatever is the button position, so both trig at the same time.

The button will still have its default action (such as toggling power). If you want to avoid that, you need to capture the button into a dummy rule such as ON Button1#state DO Delay 0 ENDON.

The step range of the rotary encoder can be selected using SetOption43, and the default is hardcoded in #define ROTARY_MAX_STEPS 10. To change the default range, set it in your user_config_override.h and recompile.

Use Zigbee to control Tasmota devices~

This setup uses a Zigbee gateway with an Ikea remote switch paired.

Ikea switch's name was set with ZbName to make it more user friendly.


Rule1 on zbreceived#ikea_switch#power=1 do publish cmnd/backyard/POWER TOGGLE endon on zbreceived#ikea_switch#power=0 do publish cmnd/hall_light/POWER TOGGLE endon


Pressing I on the Ikea switch will toggle backyard device and pressing O toggles hall_light device.

Button single press, double press and hold~

This example show how to assign different behavior to a button other than Button1. Button1 has special multi-press behaviors associated with it (see Note in Multi-Press Functions), examples 1 and 2 cannot be applied to Button1.

1st example:~

[assuming Button2 (or >2) and Setoption73 0]

  • single press: Toggle Power2 (or >2)
  • double press: send a mqtt message
  • hold 2 secs: send a different mqtt message
Backlog ButtonTopic 0; SetOption1 1; SetOption11 0; SetOption32 20
  ON button2#state=3 DO publish cmnd/topicHOLD/power2 2 ENDON
  ON button2#state=2 DO publish cmnd/topicDOUBLEPRESS/power2 2 ENDON 
Rule1 1

2nd example with Setoption11 1:~

[assuming Button2 (or >2) and Setoption73 0]

  • single press: send MQTT message
  • double press: Toggle Power2 (or >2) (SetOption11 swaps single and double press)
  • hold 2 secs: send another mqtt message
Backlog ButtonTopic 0; SetOption1 1; SetOption11 1; SetOption32 20  
  ON button2#state=3 DO publish cmnd/topicHOLD/power2 2 ENDON
  ON button2#state=2 DO publish cmnd/topicSINGLEPRESS/power2 2 ENDON 
Rule1 1

3rd example for Button1:~

For assigning different actions to multi-press on Button1, it is mandatory to detach buttons from their default function using SetOption73 1. With SetOption73 1 buttons only publish a MQTT message (stat/tasmota/BUTTON<x> = {"ACTION":"xxxx"}). To re-assign a specific action, rules must be used like below:

  • single press: Toggle Power1
  • double press: send a mqtt message
  • hold 2 secs: send a different mqtt message
Backlog ButtonTopic 0;  SetOption73 1; SetOption32 20
  ON button1#state=10 DO power1 2 ENDON
  ON button1#state=3 DO publish cmnd/topicHOLD/power 2 ENDON
  ON button1#state=11 DO publish cmnd/topicDOUBLEPRESS/power 2 ENDON
Rule1 1


SetOption73 1 detaches ALL buttons. If you have more than 1 button, you must create rules for each buttons where you want an action (other than publishing stat/tasmota/BUTTON<x> = {"ACTION":"xxxx"})

Disable switch single press and use long press~

SetOption11 0

Switches do not have double press feature

[assuming a connected pushbutton configured as Switch1]

  • single press: Does nothing (empty Delay commands)
  • hold 2 secs: Toggle Power1
Backlog SwitchTopic1 0; SwitchMode1 5; SetOption32 20  
  ON Switch1#State=3 DO Power1 2 ENDON
  ON Switch1#State=2 DO Delay ENDON  

Rule1 1

Execute several commands when a Timer expires~

The default Timer1..16 functionality allows for controlling one output to either off, on, toggle or blink. When rules are enabled the blink option will be replaced by rule functionality allowing much more flexibility.

Configure timer5 for rule execution when activated:

Timer5 {"Enable":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"16:00","Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Action":3}


Rule1 ON clock#Timer=5 DO Backlog Power2 on; Power1 off; Power3 2 ENDON


When the timer expires the rule kicks in and set Power1 to OFF, Power2 to ON and Power3 TOGGLE.

If you want to have blink functionality define a rule like ON clock#Timer=5 DO power 3 ENDON

Setting variables~

Demonstrate the use of variables. Make sure to execute commands Rule 4(Disable one-shot detection) first when trying the following example.

Set a variable

Rule ON event#setvar1 DO var1 %value% ENDON

Command: event setvar1=1

View a variable

rule ON event#getvar1 DO var1 ENDON

Command: event getvar1

  • Toggle a variable
  ON event#togglevar1 DO event toggling1=%var1% ENDON
  ON event#toggling1<1 DO event setvar1=1 ENDON
  ON event#toggling1>0 DO event setvar1=0 ENDON
  ON event#setvar1 DO var1 %value% ENDON

Command: event togglevar1

Show Messages:

Rule ON event#message DO publish stat/[topic]/log %value% ENDON

Command: event message=INIT

All event commands can be executed from:

  • console: event anyname=number
  • mqtt: cmnd/[topic]/event anyname=number

Everything together:

  ON event#togglevar1 DO event toggling1=%var1% ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1<1 DO event setvar1=1 ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1>0 DO event setvar1=0 ENDON 
  ON event#setvar1 DO var1 %value% ENDON 
  ON event#getvar1 DO var1 ENDON 
  ON event#message DO publish stat/mqttTopic/log %value% ENDON

The following won't work:

Rule1 ON event#setvar1 DO Backlog var1 %value%; Power1 %var1% ENDON

At least not as you probably would expect. The var1 value used by the Power1 command will be the value present before the Backlog command is executed. This is so, because the rule will replace %var1% BEFORE the Backlog commands are put in the Backlog command stream.

Time-delayed Auto-off Switch~


  ON button1#state DO Backlog Power1 %value%; RuleTimer1 600 ENDON
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Power1 off ENDON


on button1#state do Backlog Power1 %value%;
On Button press the Light will toggle on/off

RuleTimer1 600 ENDON
Additionally RuleTimer1 will begin to countdown 10 minutes

ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Power1 off ENDON
After the RuleTimer1 expires the light will be turned off (if you forgot to turn it off)

Time-delay After Switch Off~


Backlog switchmode1 1; rule1 1
Rule1 ON switch1#state=1 DO Backlog Power1 on; ruletimer1 0 ENDON
ON switch1#state=0 DO ruletimer1 300 ENDON
ON rules#timer=1 DO Power1 0 ENDON


ruletimer1 300 sets a 5 minute timer. After that time, fan will be switched off. If during the defined 5 minutes (or in general - when timer is counting) you the switch on, the timer will be canceled.

switchmode1 1 sets the switch in follow mode (LOW=off, HIGH=on)
If you have inverted switch (LOW=on, HIGH=off) then use switchmode1 2

Auto-off Motion Sense Switch~

Example works fine on a Wemos D1 Mini. Used as night light with motion sensor or as ambient light on floor or kitchen.

Connect an LED Strip WS2812 on D1 and the PIR on D2 and a LDR on A0 (voltage divider with 10k ohm resistor)

SwitchMode1 1


  ON analog#a0<400 DO Backlog Rule3 0; Rule2 1 ENDON
  ON analog#a0>500 DO Backlog Rule2 0; Rule3 1 ENDON
  ON switch1#state DO Backlog Power1 1; RuleTimer1 30 ENDON
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Power1 off ENDON

  ON switch1#state DO Power1 off ENDON

Activate Rule1 with one shot detection
Backlog Rule1 1; Rule1 6

Backlog Rule2 4; Rule3 4


on analog#a0>400
disable Rule3 and activate Rule2

on analog#a0>500
disable Rule2 and activate Rule3

Rule2 activates the LEDs for RuleTimer1 30 seconds on each trigger from PIR the RuleTimer start again.

on Rules#Timer=1 do Power1 off
The LEDs turn off after the RuleTimer expires

Rule3 is active on daylight and pipe the PIR signal in a Power1 off signal. The LEDs stay off.

Auto-off if or when current is idle~

The example is used on a Sonoff POWR316D.

It assumes an idle current of less than 0.1 amps and a grace period of 10 minutes to get consumption above the idle level.

If the consumer uses less than 0.1 amps for more than 10 minutes, then it will be turned off.

This works with either manually turning on power, using a timer or whatever.


  ON system#boot DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON ENERGY#Current==0.0 DO if (var1!=0) RuleTimer1 0; var1 0 endif BREAK
  ON ENERGY#Current>=0.1 DO if (var1!=0) RuleTimer1 0; var1 0 endif BREAK
  ON ENERGY#Current<0.1 DO if (var1!=1) RuleTimer1 600; var1 1 endif ENDON
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Power1 off ENDON

Control Timers from a Switch~

Assuming that your switch is on GPIO00 and configured as Switch1:

Switchmode1 1 will make Switch1#state be 1 when ON and 0 when OFF

If you don't set Switchmode1 or it is equal 0, it will only have Switch1#state=2 (toggle) and the rule will not work.


  ON Switch1#state=1 DO Timers 0 ENDON
  ON Switch1#state=0 DO Timers 1 ENDON

Toggle Relay when holding button for 2 seconds~

The following example is to explain how to catch and use the HOLD feature for buttons.

Behavior: Disable Button1 Short Press and Toggle Relay1 only when holding button1 for 2 Seconds.

Backlog ButtonTopic 0; SetOption1 1; SetOption32 20

  ON button1#state=3 DO Power1 2 ENDON
  ON button1#state=2 DO delay ENDON
Rule1 1

Commands Explanation

ButtonTopic 0 : (default) To not use topics for buttons
SetOption1 1 : Allow only single, double and hold press button actions
SetOption32 20 : Set key hold time from 0.1 to 10 seconds (20 = 2 seconds)
Rule ON button1#state=3 DO Power1 2 ENDON : When holding the button1 for 2 seconds it will toggle relay 1 (state = 3 means HOLD)
ON button1#state=2 DO delay ENDON : Do nothing when short pressing the button1 (state = 2 means TOGGLE)
Rule1 1 : To enable rules

NOTE: There is no state value for "double press" for Buttons. It is designed that double press will toggle the relay. See Multi-Press Functions for more information.

In the case you do not want the double press feature you can configure your button as switch and also set SwitchMode that fits your use case (such as SwitchMode 5 to make the switch behave like a pushbutton) [SWITCH does not support double press]

Another example but using switch instead of button:

Backlog SwitchTopic1 0; SwitchMode1 5; SetOption32 20

  ON switch1#state=3 DO Power1 2 ENDON
  ON switch1#state=2 DO delay ENDON

Rule1 1

Make sure Light is on at night~

Using Timers, you can set a light to turn on and off to illuminate a street/patio by night. But if the device has no power at the trigger time, then, when it powers up, the light will be off all night. So, as a fail-safe, implement a conditional control to be checked at Tasmota Startup.

Set Timers to turn on your light at Sunset and Turn off at sunrise. Use poweronstate 0 in order to start with lights off when powering up your device. Set the following rules:

  ON Time#Initialized DO Backlog event checksunrise=%time%; event checksunset=%time% ENDON
  ON event#checksunset>%sunset% DO Power1 1 ENDON
  ON event#checksunrise<%sunrise% DO Power1 1 ENDON

The previous rules are conditionals that represent the following logic:

IF %time%>%sunset DO Power1 1 / IF %time%<%sunrise DO Power1 1

Turn On Light Before Dawn and At Dusk~

Turn on light at dusk until your nighttime and again in the morning before dawn.
(memory variable method)

What if the sun sets after your nighttime, as in during the summer? Then the timer will turn off the light at "night", but then the Sunset timer will turn it on again, so it stays on all night.


  ON Time#Initialized DO event chkSun ENDON
  ON Time#Minute=%sunset% DO event chkSun ENDON
  ON Time#Minute=%mem2% DO event chkSun ENDON
  ON Time#Minute=%sunrise% DO event chkSun ENDON
  ON Time#Minute=%mem1% DO event chkSun ENDON
  ON event#chkSun DO Backlog var1 0; event chkSunrise=%time%; event chkSunset=%time%; event chkmorn=%time%; event chknight=%time%; event setPower ENDON
  ON event#chkSunrise<%sunrise% DO var1 1 ENDON
  ON event#chkSunset>=%sunset% DO var1 1 ENDON
  ON event#chkmorn<%mem1% DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON event#chknight>=%mem2% DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON event#setPower DO Power1 %var1% ENDON
Backlog mem1 360; mem2 1350; Rule1 1; Rule2 1


  • When device restarts, calculate if the light should be on or off
    ON Time#Initialized DO event chkSun ENDON

  • Calculate if the light should be on or off
    ON Time#Minute=%sunset% DO event chkSun ENDON ON Time#Minute=%mem2% DO event chkSun ENDON ON Time#Minute=%sunrise% DO event chkSun ENDON ON Time#Minute=%mem1% DO event chkSun ENDON

  • Calculate if the light should be on or off
    on event#chkSun do Backlog

  • Assume off
    var1 0;

  • Trigger each event with the current time
    event chkSunrise=%time%; event chkSunset=%time%; event chkmorn=%time%; event chknight=%time%; event setPower

  • End rule

  • If before sunrise, turn on
    ON event#chkSunrise<%sunrise% DO var1 1 ENDON

  • If past sunset, turn on
    ON event#chkSunset>=%sunset% DO var1 1 ENDON

  • But if before Morning time (mem1), do not turn on
    ON event#chkmorn<%mem1% DO var1 0 ENDON

  • Or if after Night time (mem2), do not turn on
    ON event#chknight>=%mem2% DO var1 0 ENDON

  • Perform on/off state
    ON event#setPower DO Power1 %var1% ENDON

  • Set variables for Morning (06h00) and Night (22h30) times
    Backlog mem1 360; mem2 1350

  • Turn on the rule sets
    Backlog Rule1 1; Rule2 1

Turn On Light Before Dawn and At Dusk~

Turn on light at dusk until your nighttime and again in the morning before dawn.
(Web UI timer method)

What if the sun sets after your nighttime, as in during the summer? Then the timer will turn off the light at "night", but then the Sunset timer will turn it on again, so it stays on all night. This version uses the timers to set the actual time, using the %timerN% variables made availible in Tasmota V11. As a result, while the rule still needs to be applied by a skilled user, a less savvy family member can next choose or modify the desired times.


ON Time#Initialized DO event checktime=%time% ENDON
ON Clock#Timer DO event checktime=%time% ENDON
ON event#checktime DO %var10% 0 ENDON
ON event#checktime>=%timer1% DO var10 1 ENDON
ON event#checktime>=%timer2% DO var10 0 ENDON
ON event#checktime>=%timer3% DO var10 1 ENDON
ON event#checktime>=%timer4% DO var10 0 ENDON
ON event#checktime DO Power1 %var10% ENDON

You do need to make sure the timers are set to run rules instead of hard ON-OFF. Timer 1,3 are interpreted as ON, Timer 2,4 as OFF. Here are some example timers, on at 06h00, off at 23h00, but you can also set these in the Web UI

Timer1 {"Enable":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"06:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":2,"Action":3}
Timer2 {"Enable":1,"Mode":1,"Time":"00:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":2,"Action":3}
Timer3 {"Enable":1,"Mode":2,"Time":"00:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":2,"Action":3}
Timer4 {"Enable":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"23:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":2,"Action":3}

The basic rule above works for all situations where the sun (with or without offset) or scheduled time does not pass midnight. The more advanced version below works (from #16914 onward) also if the sunset or scheduled time is after midnight, or even if there is no sunset at all (permanent daylight or night in north scandinavia)

ON Time#Initialized DO event checktime=%time% ENDON
ON Clock#Timer DO event checktime=%time% ENDON
ON event#checktime DO Backlog var1 %timer1%; var2 %timer2%; var3 %timer3%; var4 %timer4%; var5 %value%; var6 %value%; var10 0; event checknoon=%value%; ENDON
ON var1#state>1140 DO sub1 1440 ENDON
ON var2#state>1140 DO sub2 1440 ENDON
ON var5#state>1140 DO sub5 1440 ENDON
ON var3#state<=420 DO add3 1440 ENDON
ON var4#state<=420 DO add4 1440 ENDON
ON var6#state<=420 DO add6 1440 ENDON
ON event#checknoon DO Backlog event checkafternoon=%var6% ENDON
ON event#checknoon<=780 DO Backlog event checkmorning=%var5%; event settime ENDON
ON event#checknoon>780 DO Backlog event checkafternoon=%var6%; event settime ENDON
ON event#checkmorning>=%var1% DO var10 1 ENDON
ON event#checkmorning>=%var2% DO var10 0 ENDON
ON event#checkafternoon>=%var3% DO var10 1 ENDON
ON event#checkafternoon>=%var4% DO var10 0 ENDON
ON event#settime DO Power1 %var10% ENDON
For an attempted explanation of above advanced rule, please refer to the design and test XLS in #16914

Enable a PIR Switch only at night~

Latitude and Longitude need to be set in config. Use PulseTime to specify the duration the light should remains on. Every PIR trigger will restart for that amount of time.

SwitchMode1 14
PulseTime 60
  ON Switch1#state=1 DO Backlog event checksunrise=%time%; event checksunset=%time% ENDON
  ON event#checksunrise<%sunrise% DO Power1 1 ENDON
  ON event#checksunset>%sunset% DO Power1 1 ENDON

Control luminance switch with Timer~

Background: Tasmota powers a Sonoff Basic attached to a TS-2561 Luminance Sensor. This switch toggles a lamp ON or OFF. The switch should work as below: i) during daytime (sunrise-sunset): ON when it is too dark (<150 lx) and OFF when it gets brighter (>175 lx). ii) during evenings it ignores the sensor and turns on at sunset and turns off after about 5 hours

Approach: Used a combination of Clock Timers and Rule to do this.

Timer 1: Power ON switch at Sunset
Powers on the switch at sunset with an offset of 20 minutes. Repeats every day.

Timer1 {"Enable":1,"Mode":2,"Time":"-00:20","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":1}

Timer 2: Power OFF switch at Night.
Turns power OFF at 23.00hrs. Repeats every day.

Timer2 {"Enable":1,"Mode":0,"Time":"23:00","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":0}

Timer 3: Trigger Luminance Rule at Sunrise
Start watching the Lux sensor 15 minutes after sunrise.

Timer3 {"Enable":1,"Mode":1,"Time":"00:15","Window":0,"Days":"1111111","Repeat":1,"Output":1,"Action":3}

Rule 1: Main Rule to check Luminance
If Luminance is less than 150lx, power ON. If it goes beyond 175lx, power OFF.

  ON tele-TSL2561#Illuminance<150 DO Power1 1 ENDON
  ON tele-TSL2561#Illuminance>175 DO Power1 0 ENDON 

Rule1 1

**Rule 2:** Trigger Rule1 only in the Mornings  
This ensures that Rule1 is triggered when Timer3 starts (in the morning) and stops when Timer1 starts (in the evenings).  
  ON Clock#Timer=3 DO Rule1 1 ENDON
  ON Clock#Timer=1 DO Rule1 0 ENDON

Rule2 1

Automatically vary the color temperature of a CCT light~

Background: Tasmota powers a CCT light which is adjustable from cool white to warm white. You want the color temperature to automatically vary between cool (CT=153) at midday to warm (CT=500) at midnight.

Approach: Check that your timezone and DST (if applicable) are set correctly and the time is correctly set on your light using NTP. Create the two rules to scale the CT based on the time of day. If Wifi is unavailable or NTP can't determine the time of day then the light will default to the mid point for neutral white (CT=326). Adjusting the CT will switch the light on so Rule 2 disables and enables Rule 1 according to the state of the light.

Rule 1: Set the CT according to the time of day.

    on Power1#Boot do CT 326 endon
    on Time#Initialized do backlog event myCT=%time% endon
    on Time#Minute do backlog event myCT=%time% endon
    on event#myCT<=720 do backlog scale1 %time%,0,720,500,153; event updateCT endon
    on event#myCT>720 do backlog scale1 %time%,720,1440,153,500; event updateCT endon
    on event#updateCT do CT %var1% endon
rule1 1
Rule 2: Toggle rule 1 on and off with the light and also update the CT for the current time when the light is switched on.

Rule2 on Power1#State do backlog Rule1 %value%; event myCT=%time% endon
Rule2 1

When the light is powered up on it should change to neutral white for a few seconds while Wifi, MQTT and NTP are initialised then switch to the correct color temperature for the time of day. If the light is switched off in software then it will come back on with the previous CT then update to the current CT after a few seconds.

If you have a RGBCCT light then the CT light may be Power2 rather than Power1.

It is possible to use %sunrise% and %sunset% to adjust the CT if you set your latitude, longitude and elevation but it's much more complex especially at extreme Northern and Southern latitudes.

Perform any action on single/double press (for switches AND buttons)~


SwitchMode 5

  ON switch1#state==2 DO add1 1 ENDON
  ON switch1#state==2 DO Power1 2 ENDON
  ON var1#state!=0 DO Backlog delay 6;var1 0 ENDON
  ON var1#state==2 DO publish cmnd/othertasmota/POWER toggle ENDON

Rule1 on


  • each toggle of the switch triggers first condition and adds 1 to our variable (var1 in the example),
  • each toggle of the switch toggles the associated relay (Power1 2 - but can do anything else instead, Publish for example)
  • when var1 changes to non zero, we set it back to 0 but after a Delay (arbitrarily chosen 6 here - 0.6 seconds)
  • when var1 reaches 2 (i.e. the switch has been toggled twice within the last 0.6 seconds), desired action is triggered (here: Publish to othertasmota)

Every time you press the switch, your light toggles state (as it should). If you do press the switch twice in a rapid succession (i.e., double-click), you can trigger a different action (e.g., on a remote device).

Enable or disable relay with a switch in Domoticz~

When you want to send MQTT messages ( we use domoticz in this example ) and choose when you want the relay on or off, by simply sending HTTP commands to trigger an event.

Initial Config:

  • PushButton Doorbell
  • (Sonoff Basic R1) GPIO14 - Switch4 (12)

Connect the Switch to GND and the GPIO on your device. Be sure put a 4.7k resistor between VCC(3.3v) and the GPIO. This prevents ghost switching (capacitor is optional) See: YouTube

Dont forget to change the IDX value


Backlog SwitchTopic 0; SwitchMode4 2; SetOption0 0; PowerOnState 0

var1 1

  ON event#doorbell DO var1 %value% ENDON
  ON switch4#state=1 DO publish domoticz/in {"idx":11,"nvalue":1} ENDON
  ON switch4#state=1 DO Power1 %var1% ENDON
  ON switch4#state=0 DO publish domoticz/in {"idx":11,"nvalue":0} ENDON
  ON switch4#state=0 DO Power1 0 ENDON

Rule1 1


Turn off the relay by calling the event using HTTP:

Turn on the relay by calling the event using HTTP:

If your Tasmota device is password protected, which is most common, then use the following HTTP commands instead. Make sure you change <tasmotaUsername> and <tasmotaPassword>


Force automatic re-connection to MQTT server via SD DNS~

In order to search for the MQTT server using SD-DNS service (a.k.a. Bonjour or Zero Network Configuration) the suggested configuration is to leave the MQTT Host field blank.

The standard behavior of Tasmota is

  • searches for _mqtt._tcp service
  • resolve that to the proper IP address
  • connect to it
  • in case the connection is successful, retain the IP address and use that in the subsequent connections

The above is not proper, though, in case you have a redundant MQTT (e.g., two MQTT server synchronized). In such case, when the active MQTT fails for any reason, the expected behavior is to achieve automatic re-connection to the other MQTT server.

That can be easily configured defining the following rule on the device console:

Rule1 ON Mqtt#Disconnected DO MqttHost 0 ENDON
Rule1 1

If the MqttHost field already contains an IP, you have to delete it using the web interface or the following MQTT command:

mosquitto_pub -h mqtt_server.local -t "cmnd/mqttTopic/MqttHost" -m ''

Change distance to percentage~

When measuring distance and you have the need to see it in percentage of distance. In the example 100% is everything below 69cm and 0% is everything above 128cm. This is used for showing fill percentage of a wood pellets storage.

  ON tele-SR04#distance DO Backlog var1 %value%; event checklimit=%value%; event senddistance ENDON
  ON event#checklimit>128 DO var1 128 ENDON
  ON event#checklimit<69 DO var1 68 ENDON
  ON event#senddistance DO Backlog SCALE1 %var1%, 128, 69, 0, 100; event pubdata ENDON
  ON event#pubdata DO publish tele/pannrum-temp/SENSOR %var1% ENDON

Rule1 1

Distinguish Switch1 and Switch2 (without the use of Relay1 and Relay2)~

When two (or more) switches are defined as input and you want to distinguish these in the RESULT topic without the use of Relays, then consider the following rules.

  • SwitchMode1 1 will make Switch1#state to be 1 when ON and 0 when OFF
    SwitchMode1 1

  • SwitchMode2 1 will make Switch2#state to be 1 when ON and 0 when OFF
    SwitchMode2 1

  • Publish json with key POWER1 and value %value%

    Rule1 ON switch1#state DO publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER1":"%value%"} ENDON

  • Publish json with key POWER2 and value %value%

    Rule2 ON switch2#state DO publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER2":"%value%"} ENDON

  • Enable Rules Backlog Rule1 1; Rule2 1


RUL: SWITCH1#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER1":"1"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER1":"1"}
RUL: SWITCH2#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER2":"1"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER2":"1"}
RUL: SWITCH1#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER1":"0"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER1":"0"}
RUL: SWITCH2#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER2":"0"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER2":"0"}
RUL: SWITCH1#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER1":"1"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER1":"1"}
RUL: SWITCH1#STATE performs "publish stat/wemos-4/RESULT {"POWER1":"0"}"
MQT: stat/wemos-4/RESULT = {"POWER1":"0"}

Receiving state of anything that triggers SWITCH more than one time~

With analog intercom doorbells you can take out info about ringing from speaker voltage. You can connect GPIO to it via opto-isolator and resistor to take out state. But even with those speaker voltage is dropping so it switches the device multiple times.

MQT: cmnd/doorbell/POWER2 = OFF (retained)
MQT: cmnd/doorbell/POWER2 = ON (retained)
MQT: cmnd/doorbell/POWER2 = OFF (retained)
MQT: cmnd/doorbell/POWER2 = ON (retained)
MQT: cmnd/doorbell/POWER2 = OFF (retained)

To solve it we can use rules.

SwitchTopic 0

  on System#Boot DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON Switch2#State DO Backlog add1 1; event START ENDON
  ON event#START DO event BELL=%var1% ENDON
  ON event#BELL=1.000 DO Backlog publish cmnd/bell/power on; RuleTimer1 60 ENDON
  ON event#BELL=0 DO publish cmnd/bell/power off ENDON
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Backlog var1 0; event BELL=0 ENDON

Rule1 1


  • Disable SwitchTopic as it overrides rules for switches: SwitchTopic 0
  • on system boot set var1 to 0
  • on switch2 click (person pushing doorbell) - var1 += 1; trigger event START
  • on START - set event BELL equal to var1
  • if event#BELL=1 (triggered first time) publish mqtt message ON and trigger RulesTimer1 for 60 seconds
  • if event#BELL=0 publish mqtt message OFF
  • on RulesTimer1 - reset var1 to 0, and call event#BELL.
  • enable rule 1

In this case we have lock for 60 seconds for multiple people calls or to be resistant for speaker voltage drops.

Prevent Wemos D1 mini load overcurrent~

As a WS2812 24 led ring draws approximately 24x3x20 mA = 1.44A and the Wemos D1 mini powered from a PC's USB port can only provide up to 0.5A it would be nice to have some kind of mechanism in place to limit the amount of current to the WS2812 LEDring to 0.1A. This is still enough to light all 24 leds up to color 202020.


  • Wemos D1 mini
  • INA219 I2C sensor
  • WS2812 LEDring with 24 LEDs powered by the Wemos D1 mini 5V thru the INA219 sensor
Rule1 ON INA219#Current>0.100 DO Backlog Dimmer 10;Color 10,0,0 ENDON
Rule1 on

Result - When a user raises brightness to a level using more than 0.1A the rule kicks in and lowers the current by executing command Dimmer 10 and changes the color to Red with command Color 10,0,0.

Using dummy GPIO to send Serial codes to an MCU~

By having a device that controls all its features through an MCU and reports the states in serial codes to the ESP8266 we have to create some rules to control it using the Web UI or standard Power commands.

  ON Power1#state=1 DO serialsend5 55AA00060005020400010213 ENDON 
  ON Power1#state=0 DO serialsend5 55AA00060005020400010011 ENDON 
  ON Power2#state=1 DO serialsend5 55AA00060005060400010217 ENDON 
  ON Power2#state=0 DO serialsend5 55AA00060005060400010015 ENDON
Power1 controls the device, Power2 turn on and off the light on the device.

Another rule was created to issue commands on boot so the serial interface works every time and to control the built in fan using Event triggers and have its state retained in an MQTT message for Home Assistant.

  ON system#boot DO Backlog baudrate 9600; seriallog 2; serialsend5 55aa000300010306 ENDON 
  ON event#high DO Backlog serialsend5 55AA00060005650400010175; publish2 stat/diffuser/FAN high ENDON 
  ON event#low DO Backlog serialsend5 55AA00060005650400010074; publish2 stat/diffuser/FAN low ENDON

Arithmetic commands used with VAR~


The arithmetic is done using single point precision floating point. This means calculations involving values larger than approximately 16 million (ex: %utctime%) will not be precise.


ADD1 to ADD16: Add a value to VARx
Syntax: ADDx value
Usage: ADD1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 + 15


SUB1to SUB16: Subtract a value from VARx
Syntax: SUBx value
Usage: SUB1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 - 15


MULT1to MULT16: Multiply a value to VARx
Syntax: MULTx value
Usage: MULT1 15
Result: VAR1 = VAR1 * 15


SCALE1to SCALE16: Scale a value from a low and high limit to another low and high limit and store it in VARx (directly equivalent to MAP arduino command)

Syntax: SCALEx value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh


value: the number to scale
fromLow: the lower bound of the value’s current range
fromHigh: the upper bound of the value’s current range
toLow: the lower bound of the value’s target range
toHigh: the upper bound of the value’s target range

(omitted values are taken as zero)

Usage: SCALE1 15, 0, 100, 0, 1000
Result: VAR1 = 150

Transmit sensor value only when a delta is reached~

Send only when the sensor value changes by a certain amount.

  ON SI7021#temperature>%var1% DO Backlog var1 %value%; publish stat/mqttTopic/temp %value%; var2 %value%; add1 2; sub2 2 ENDON
  ON SI7021#temperature<%var2% DO Backlog var2 %value%; publish stat/mqttTopic/temp %value%; var1 %value%; add1 2; sub2 2 ENDON

This example explains expands on the above example while matching typical sensor data. Helpful for HA tasmota integration sensors when polling and adding in delta value changes.

Normal polling data below

23:58:41 MQT: tele/ds1820/SENSOR = {"Time":"2021-01-13T23:58:41","DS18B20":{"Id":"030597946B04","Temperature":20.9},"TempUnit":"C"}
The matching rule.

  ON DS18B20#temperature>%var1% DO Backlog var1 %value%; publish tele/ds1820/SENSOR {"Time":"%timestamp%","DS18B20":{"Id":"030597946B04","Temperature":%value%},"TempUnit":"C"}; var2 %value%; add1 0.5; sub2 0.5 ENDON 
  ON DS18B20#temperature<%var2% DO Backlog var2 %value%; publish tele/ds1820/SENSOR {"Time":"%TIMESTAMP%","DS18B20":{"Id":"030597946B04","Temperature":%value%},"TempUnit":"C"}; var1 %value%; add1 0.5; sub2 0.5 ENDON

Adjust a value and send it over MQTT~

This example adds 2 degrees to the measured temperature and then sends that value to an MQTT topic.

  ON tele-SI7021#temperature DO Backlog var1 %value%; add1 2; event sendtemp ENDON
  ON event#sendtemp DO publish stat/mqttTopic/temp %var1% ENDON

Control relays via serial~

This example switches connected relays over the software serial on and off.

Write the following rules:

  ON SSerialReceived#Data=on DO Power1 1 ENDON
  ON SSerialReceived#Data=off DO Power1 0 ENDON

receiving on and off results in

MQT: tele/mqttTopic/RESULT = {"SSerialReceived":"on"}
MQT: stat/mqttTopic/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
MQT: stat/mqttTopic/POWER = ON
MQT: tele/mqttTopic/RESULT = {"SSerialReceived":"off"}
MQT: stat/mqttTopic/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
MQT: stat/mqttTopic/POWER = OFF

Processing JSON received from (Software)SerialBridge~

When using SerialBridge (or SoftwareSerialBridge), the received string will be published to Rules as SerialReceived (or SSerialReceived). If the string starts with a { then Tasmota will parse the string as a JSON and make the different keys available for Rules. For example with the following string {"DeviceID":"TM182","Temp":25.3,"Hum":50}, it is possible to use any of the keys in the trigger.

  ON SSerialReceived#DeviceID DO var1 %value% ENDON
  ON SSerialReceived#Temp DO var2 %value% ENDON
  ON SSerialReceived#Hum DO publish /some/topic/%var1% {"Temperature":%var2%,"Humidity":%value%} ENDON

The 1st and 2nd rules store the values for Device and Temp into variables. The last key triggers the 3rd rule, here re-publication on a different topic.


12:51:48.050 MQT: tele/nodemcu/SSERIALRECEIVED = {"SSerialReceived":{"DeviceID":"TM182","Temp":25.3,"Hum":50}}
12:51:48.064 RUL: SSERIALRECEIVED#DEVICEID performs "var1 TM182"
12:51:48.071 MQT: stat/nodemcu/VAR = {"Var1":"TM182"}
12:51:48.083 RUL: SSERIALRECEIVED#TEMP performs "var2 25.3"
12:51:48.091 MQT: stat/nodemcu/VAR = {"Var2":"25.3"}
12:51:48.104 RUL: SSERIALRECEIVED#HUM performs "publish /some/topic/TM182 {"Temperature":25.3,"Humidity":50}"
12:51:48.110 MQT: /some/topic/TM182 = {"Temperature":25.3,"Humidity":50}


It is important that the receive string strictly starts with the opening {. If other characters, such as spaces or new line are inserted before, Tasmota will not par as a JSON. Characters after the closing } are not a problem.

Using BREAK to simulate IF..ELSEIF..ELSE..ENDIF~

BREAK is an alternative to ENDON. BREAK will stop the execution for the triggers that follow. If a trigger that ends with BREAK fires, then the following triggers of that rule will not be executed. This allows to simulate IF..ELSEIF..ELSE..ENDIF


IF temp > 85 then
  VAR1 more85
ELSEIF temp > 83 then
  VAR1 more83
ELSEIF temp > 81 then
  VAR1 more81
ELSEIF temp = 81 then
  VAR1 equal81
  VAR1 less81

With the actual rules, if we use a set like the following:

  ON event#temp>85 DO VAR1 more85 ENDON
  ON event#temp>83 DO VAR1 more83 ENDON
  ON event#temp>81 DO VAR1 more81 ENDON
  ON event#temp=81 DO VAR1 equal81 ENDON
  ON event#temp<81 DO VAR1 less81 ENDON

This is the output in the console:

CMD: rule
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Rule1":"ON","Once":"ON","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":322,"Rules":"ON event#temp>85 do VAR1 more85 ENDON ON event#temp>83 do VAR1 more83 ENDON on event#temp>81 do VAR1 more81 ENDON on event#temp=81 do VAR1 equal81 ENDON on event#temp<81 DO VAR1 less81 ENDON"}
CMD: event temp=10
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Event":"Done"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP<81 performs "VAR1 less81"
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Var1":"less81"}
CMD: event temp=100
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Event":"Done"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP>85 performs "VAR1 more85"
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Var1":"more85"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP>83 performs "VAR1 more83"
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Var1":"more83"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP>81 performs "VAR1 more81"
MQT: stat/living/RESULT = {"Var1":"more81"}
So, all the triggers where TEMP>100, are firing. With the BREAK statement the rule set can be changed to:
  on event#temp>85 do VAR1 more85 break
  on event#temp>83 do VAR1 more83 break
  ON event#temp>81 DO VAR1 more81 ENDON
  ON event#temp=81 DO VAR1 equal81 ENDON
  ON event#temp<81 DO VAR1 less81 ENDON

Which will result in the following output:

CMD: rule
RSL: RESULT = {"Rule1":"ON","Once":"OFF","StopOnError":"OFF","Free":321,"Rules":"ON event#temp>85 do VAR1 more85 break ON event#temp>83 do VAR1 more83 break on event#temp>81 do VAR1 more81 ENDON on event#temp=81 do VAR1 equal81 ENDON on event#temp<81 DO VAR1 less81 ENDON"}
CMD: event temp=10
RSL: RESULT = {"Event":"Done"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP<81 performs "VAR1 less81"
RSL: RESULT = {"Var1":"less81"}
CMD: event temp=100
RSL: RESULT = {"Event":"Done"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP>85 performs "VAR1 more85"
RSL: RESULT = {"Var1":"more85"}
CMD: event temp=83
RSL: RESULT = {"Event":"Done"}
RUL: EVENT#TEMP>81 performs "VAR1 more81"
RSL: RESULT = {"Var1":"more81"}

Adjust PowerDelta according to current Power values~

Power sensor reporting thresholds are set by a percentage change in the Power value by setting PowerDelta. Power changes from 10W to 11W (10%) may not be very interesting. But power changes from 1000W to 1100W (also 10%) could be very important. To avoid getting reports for small changes but ensuring that larger power swings are reported, a rule set can be used to create a gradient threshold based on the absolute power values.

This rule also uses the one-shot feature of rules to avoid reporting of every small change within a threshold window. The rule (a ON/DO/ENDON rule in this the set) will trigger only once when a threshold is crossed.

Backlog PowerDelta 0; Rule1 0; Rule1 5

  ON ENERGY#Power>=35 DO Backlog PowerDelta 10; Status 8 BREAK 
  ON ENERGY#Power>=15 DO Backlog PowerDelta 25; Status 8 BREAK 
  ON ENERGY#Power>5 DO Backlog PowerDelta 35; Status 8 BREAK 
  ON ENERGY#Power<=5 DO PowerDelta 100 ENDON

Rule1 1

Which translates (pseudo code):

IF ENERGY#Power>=35  // ENERGY#Power GE 35
  DO Backlog PowerDelta 10; Status 8
ELSE IF ENERGY#Power>=15  // ENERGY#Power GE 15 and LT 35
  DO Backlog PowerDelta 25; Status 8
ELSE IF ENERGY#Power>5  // ENERGY#Power GT 5 and LT 15
  DO Backlog PowerDelta 35; Status 8
ELSE  // ENERGY#Power changed (i.e. LE 5)
  DO PowerDelta 100

Forward IR signals~

Using one IR receiver and one sender (or both extender) you can simply forward signals from one to another using the following rule

rule1 ON IRreceived#Data DO publish cmnd/irsideboard/irsend {Protocol:NEC,Bits:32,Data:%value%} ENDON

Garage Door Opener~


// Set the relay on time to signal the opener
PulseTime 7

// Send ON and OFF as the switch is ON or OFF

Backlog SwitchMode1 1; SwitchMode2 1; SwitchMode3 1

//No need to save changes on power cycle
SetOption0 0

//Don’t blindly run the door on power up
PowerOnState 0

//One shot Detection off

Backlog Rule1 0; Rule1 4; Rule2 0; Rule2 4; Rule2 0; Rule2 4

//Set Counter to measure the period between on and off, check if it's blinking because of an obstruction

Backlog CounterType 1; CounterDebounce 100

//So the door doesn't close if you send it an Open when it's already Opened, etc.

// var1=1 Only When OPEN  
// var2=1 Only When CLOSED  
// var3=1 Only When OPENING  
// var4=1 Only When CLOSING  
  ON Switch1#Boot=1 DO Backlog delay 99; event Opened ENDON
  ON Switch2#Boot=1 DO Backlog delay 99; event Closed ENDON
  ON EVENT#OPEN DO Power1 %var2% ENDON
  ON EVENT#STOP DO Backlog Power1 %var3%; Power1 %var4%; event PState=STOP ENDON
  ON Switch1#State=1 DO event Opened ENDON
  ON Switch2#State=1 DO event Closed ENDON
  ON Switch1#State=0 DO event Closing ENDON
  ON Switch2#State=0 DO event Opening ENDON

  ON event#Opened DO Backlog var 1; var2 0; var3 0; var4 0; ruletimer1 0; event PState=OPEN ENDON
  ON event#Closed DO Backlog var1 0; var2 1; var3 0; var4 0; ruletimer1 0; event PState=CLOSE ENDON
  ON event#Opening DO Backlog var1 0; var2 0; var3 1; var4 0; ruletimer1 15; event PState=OPENING ENDON
  ON event#Closing DO Backlog var1 0; var2 0; var3 0; var4 1; ruletimer1 15; event PState=CLOSING ENDON

  ON counter#c1>1000 DO event PObstr=0 ENDON
  ON counter#c1<1000 DO event PObstr=1 ENDON
  ON event#PObstr DO publish stat/GarageDoor/OBSTR %value% ENDON
  ON event#PState DO publish stat/GarageDoor/STATE %value% ENDON
  ON rules#timer=1 DO event PState=STOP ENDON

//Turn on Rules

Backlog Rule1 1; Rule2 1; Rule3 1

IR Remote Button Multi-press~

For example, a remote control with one button to change speed. This rules simulates pressing the button three times to set the receiving device to the third speed setting.

Specify the rule set

  • The <trigger> can be a condition or an event sent from another device or home automation hub.
  • <topic> corresponds to the device transmitting the code (e.g., YTF IR Bridge). This could also be modified to send an RF code from a Sonoff RF Bridge.
  • The Delay may not be necessary in your environment or may need to be adjusted according to your device characteristics.
Rule 1
  ON Event#tora DO Backlog Publish cmnd/<topic>/IRSend {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":"0x00FF30CF"}; Delay 10 ENDON
  ON <trigger> DO Backlog Event tora; Event tora; Event tora ENDON
  • Enable the Rule set
    Rule1 1

Two-way light switches without MQTT~

Two Sonoff T1 3-gang light switches can be used at either end of a room by setting up one the master and the other as the slave. The master performs the switching of the power to the lights, while the slave just asks the master to toggle the power state. The master also turns the slave's relays on and off so that the LED indicators follow the master's state.

Using the WebSend command, the two switches can talk to each other without an MQTT broker. It remains to be seen how reliable this is.

Starting with the slave, the rule to toggle the master is pretty simple:

  ON Event#sendPower DO WebSend [] POWER%value% TOGGLE ENDON
  ON Button1#State DO Event sendPower=1 ENDON
  ON Button2#State DO Event sendPower=2 ENDON
  ON Button3#State DO Event sendPower=3 ENDON
Rule1 1

Note that having a rule for the Button#State disables the power toggling of the slave's relay(s). This is desirable because we want the master to control the slave's relay state(s) according to its own as follows:

  ON Event#sendPower DO WebSend [] POWER%Var1% %value% ENDON
  ON Power1#state DO Backlog Var1 1;Event sendPower=%value% ENDON
  ON Power2#state DO Backlog Var1 2;Event sendPower=%value% ENDON
  ON Power3#state DO Backlog Var1 3;Event sendPower=%value% ENDON
Rule1 1

Control remote light on switch double press~

Toggling the switch controls local POWER state while toggling twice fast controls another device.

Great with two SONOFF MINI in adjacent rooms, to control both rooms with either switch.

SwitchMode 8
Rule1 ON switch1#state=3 DO websend [ip/hostname of remote] power1 toggle ENDON
Rule1 1

Roller shutter push-button toggle~

With a two relay device (e.g., Shelly 2.5) configured for a roller shutter, you can also connect push-buttons (configured as switch components in this example) and set them for inverted toggle behavior. Pressing a push-button once makes the roller shutter move in one direction. Pressing it again stops it. These rules each use a variable to remember the shutter state where 0 == Stopped and 1 == Moving.

Backlog SwitchTopic 0; SwitchMode1 4; SwitchMode2 4

  ON Switch1#State==1 DO Add1 1 ENDON
  ON Var1#State==0 DO ShutterStop1 ENDON
  ON Var1#State==1 DO ShutterClose1 ENDON
  ON Var1#State>=2 DO Var1 0 ENDON
  ON Shutter1#Close DO Var1 0 ENDON
  ON Switch2#State==1 DO Add2 1 ENDON
  ON Var2#State==0 DO ShutterStop1 ENDON
  ON Var2#State==1 DO ShutterOpen1 ENDON
  ON Var2#State>=2 DO Var2 0 ENDON
  ON Shutter1#Open DO Var2 0 ENDON

Rule1 1

Control a dimmer with one switch~

This example is for GPIOs defined as switches not buttons

Activate dimmer mode with Switchmode 11 and shorten long press time to 1 second (Setoption32 10).

A short press of the switch sends a TOGGLE message to toggle the dimmer. A long press sends repeated INC_DEC messages to increment the dimmer. If a second press of the switch follows the first press an INV message is sent to invert the function from increment to decrement and repeated INC_DEC messages are sent to decrement the dimmer. After releasing the switch a timeout message CLEAR resets the automation

Backlog SwitchMode 11; SetOption32 10; Rule1 1;

on system#boot do var1 + ENDON
on switch1#state=2 do POWER TOGGLE ENDON
on switch1#state=4 do DIMMER %var1% ENDON
on switch1#state=7 do event upordown=%var1% ENDON
on event#upordown=+ do var1 - ENDON
on event#upordown=- do var1 + ENDON
Restart Tasmota after creating the rule set. Notice we use Rule which edits Rule1 rule set. They can be used interchangeably.

Watchdog for Wi-Fi router or modem~

The ping method requires #define USE_PING and Tasmota version or newer

The WebQuery method requires Tasmota version 10.0.0 or newer

A Tasmota plug can check a remote host (router itself, something else connected to the router, or a site on the Internet) via an ICMP Ping or loading a URL and can power cycle the router or modem if the remote host isn't responding. In this example, an interval of 3 minutes is used. The simplest watchdog rule does not use variables:

  ON Time#Minute|3 DO backlog Ping4 ENDON
  ON Ping# DO Backlog Power1 0; Delay 10; Power1 1; ENDON
Rule1 1

However, if the endpoint becomes unreachable for a long time, the watchdog will keep cycling it every three minutes. This could reduce the watchdog's relay lifetime to months, at most years. A safer option would be to use an exponential backoff algorithm. Var1 contains the current interval in minutes, which is tripled after each failed query, but limited to 1439 minutes (1 day).

  ON system#boot do Var1 3 ENDON
  ON Var1#State>1439 DO Var1 1439 ENDON

  ON Time#Minute|%var1% DO backlog Ping4 ENDON
  ON Ping# DO backlog Mult1 3; Power1 0; Delay 10; Power1 1 ENDON
  ON Ping#>0 DO Var1 3 ENDON

If your Tasmota doesn't have ping compiled in and your remote host has an HTTP server you can access, you can use WebQuery as below:

  ON system#boot do Var1 3 ENDON
  ON Var1#State>1439 DO Var1 1439 ENDON

  ON Time#Minute|%var1% DO backlog WebQuery GET ENDON
  ON WebQuery#Data$!Done DO backlog Mult1 3; Power1 0; Delay 10; Power1 1 ENDON
  ON WebQuery#Data=Done DO Var1 3 ENDON

Triggering off the JSON response to webquery (and other commands) may require wrapping the command in backlog, as per example above

Simple Thermostat Example~

As example, to be used on a Sonoff TH10 with Sensor Si7021

This example turn on and off an output based on the temperature value and the upper set point and the lower set point. It waits until is enabled by pressing the button or by mqtt message 1 to mem1. This value is remembered. So if power cycle occurs, will resume operation. The set point values can be changed on the fly by mqtt or console commands If the Temperature sensor disconnects, the outputs will shutdown until the sensor is back again and will resume operation. When the device is power up, the thermostat also waits until the sensor value to resume operation.

Initial Config:

  • Available physical button as Switch1
  • Relay1 will be used the controller
  • Rules must be used to control Relay so the pushbutton must only control Switch1 and not directly control the relay - For this we use SwitchMode1 3 as described below and create the necessary rules because the pushbutton control of the relay is only disabled when the rules are in place.

Initial config on console:

  • SwitchMode1 3 <- Use the switch1 as pushbutton (It will allow us to disable the link between the button and the relay by inserting a rule to dictate what the pushbutton will do - NOTE: Until rules are created the pushbutton will still control the relay!)
  • Rule1 1 <- turn on rules
  • Rule1 4 <- turn off one-shot rule
  • TelePeriod 60 <- check temp every minute
  • SetOption26 1 <- use Power1 on mqtt messages
  • SetOption0 0 <- dont save relay status on eeprom
  • PowerOnState 0 <- start all relays off
  • Mem1 0 <- thermostat status: 0-off 1-enabled - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1
  • Mem2 25 <- setpoint Temp upper limit - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem2
  • Mem3 23 <- setpoint Temp lower limit - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem3
  • Var1 0 <- thermostat actual status: 1-OK 0-NOT READY - View by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/var1


On boot start a watchdog timer to check temp sensor connection.

Rule ON system#boot DO RuleTimer1 70 ENDON

An available button is configured as switch to set thermostat ON or OFF

  ON switch1#state DO Backlog event toggling1=%mem1% ENDON
  ON event#toggling1=0 DO mem1 1 ENDON
  ON event#toggling1=1 DO mem1 0 ENDON

Check temp sensor connection. If fails, set to off and turn off thermostat. Also continue checking

Rule ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Backlog var1 0; RuleTimer1 70; Power1 0 ENDON

Resets checking timer if temperature is connected

Rule ON tele-SI7021#temperature DO Backlog var1 1; RuleTimer1 30; event ctrl_ready=1; event temp_demand=%value% ENDON

Thermostat control - upper limit and lower limit and enabled

  ON event#ctrl_ready>%mem1% DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON event#temp_demand>%mem2% DO Power1 0 ENDON
  ON event#temp_demand<%mem3% DO Power1 %var1% ENDON

Thermostat can be turned On by:

  • pushing button
  • by command on local console: mem1 1
  • by command on any other console: publish cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1 1
  • or MQTT at: cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1 1

Thermostat can be turned Off by:

  • pushing button
  • by command on local console: mem1 0
  • by command on any other console: publish cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1 0
  • or MQTT at: cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1 0

To get the status:

  • mem1 <- thermostat status: 0-off 1-enabled - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem1
  • mem2 <- setpoint Temp upper limit - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem2
  • mem3 <- setpoint Temp lower limit - View or set by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/mem3
  • var1 <- thermostat actual status: 1-OK 0-NOT READY - View by MQTT cmnd/mqttTopic/var1

Everything together:

Initial config:

RuleTimer1 must be greater that TelePeriod for expected results

Backlog SwitchMode1 3; Rule 1; Rule 4; TelePeriod 60; SetOption26 1; SetOption0 0; poweronstate 0; mem1 0; mem2 25; mem3 23; var1 0


  ON system#boot DO RuleTimer1 70 ENDON 
  ON Switch1#State DO event toggling1=%mem1% ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1=0 DO mem1 1 ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1=1 DO mem1 0 ENDON 
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Backlog var1 0; RuleTimer1 70; Power1 0 ENDON 
  ON tele-SI7021#temperature DO Backlog var1 1; RuleTimer1 70; event ctrl_ready=1; event temp_demand=%value% ENDON 
  ON event#ctrl_ready>%mem1% DO var1 0 ENDON 
  ON event#temp_demand>%mem2% DO Power1 0 ENDON 
  ON event#temp_demand<%mem3% DO Power1 %var1% ENDON

Example rules without temp sensor to test the thermostat rules

  ON system#boot DO RuleTimer1 70 ENDON 
  ON Switch1#State DO event toggling1=%mem1% ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1=0 DO mem1 1 ENDON 
  ON event#toggling1=1 DO mem1 0 ENDON 
  ON Rules#Timer=1 DO Backlog var1 0; RuleTimer1 70; Power1 0 ENDON 
  ON event#temp DO Backlog var1 1; RuleTimer1 70; event ctrl_ready=1; event temp_demand=%value% ENDON 
  ON event#ctrl_ready>%mem1% DO var1 0 ENDON 
  ON event#temp_demand>%mem2% DO Power1 0 ENDON 
  ON event#temp_demand<%mem3% DO Power1 %var1% ENDON


  • Push the button1. The thermostat changes to ENABLED (mem1=1)
  • on console: event temp=20 (now the system receives like a tele message from temperature sensor) and will turn on the relay1 (to heat)
  • on console: event temp=26 (the thermostat turn off the heater)
  • on console: event temp=22 (the thermostat turn on the heater)
  • wait more than a minute without using the event temp and the thermostat will turn off as there is no temperature value (like a sensor error or disconnection)
  • will resume when using again the event temp
  • console mem1 0, DISABLED, console mem1 1, ENABLED


  • With the above the timers can be used to control mem1 and add a schedule to when the thermostat will be enabled
    Rule2 ON Clock#Timer=1 DO mem1 1 ENDON ON Clock#Timer=2 DO mem1 0 ENDON

Solar heater control~

In a swimming pool, a filter pump and a solar panel is installed. When the sun is shining, the pump should push water through the solar panel, to heat the pool. When it's night or cloudy, the pump should be off, to avoid cooling the pool water through the solar panel. The pump is controlled by a Sonoff TH10 with 2x DS18B20 sensors connected.

3 rules:

  • Pump should start when solar panel is more than 2 deg warmer than the pool water
  • Pump should stop when solar panel is less than 1 deg warmer than the pool water
  • Pump should not start if the solar panel is below 25 deg Celsius.

t1: pool temp
t2: panel temp
var1: in valid panel temp range?
var2: off threshold temp for panel
var3: on threshold temp for panel
mem3: lowest valid panel temp

mem3 25
  ON DS18B20-1#temperature DO Backlog0 var2 %value%; add2 1 ; var3 %value%; add3 2 ENDON
  ON DS18B20-2#temperature DO event t2=%value% ENDON
  ON event#t2>%mem3% DO var1 1 ENDON
  ON event#t2<=%mem3% DO var1 0 ENDON
  ON event#t2>%var3% DO Power1 %var1% ENDON
  ON event#t2<%var2% DO Power1 0 ENDON

To test the rule without having the sensors in place, simply enter the events for t1 and t2 in the console:
Backlog event t1=21;event t2=30

And watch the relay turn on and off based on the values.

Please note that this example does not support manual override or handles missing sensor data.

Energy Saving Switch~

Example of a switch controlling a light with a condition of a required amount of lux.

When the switch is on, the light will turn on but only when you have less than 100 lux in that room. While if the switch is off the light will be off.

  ON switch1#state=1 DO var1 100 ENDON
  ON switch1#state=0 DO Backlog var1 0; Power1 off ENDON
  ON APDS9960#Ambient<%var1% DO Power1 on ENDON

Use of variables and tele- in Domoticz~

Using variables allows for storing sensor results to be used in composing a single HA message like used with Domoticz. To prevent flooding Domoticz with messages we only want to send a message at TelePeriod time. This is achieved by prefixing the <SensorName> with the label tele-. This example will use a variable storing the temperature to be used together with humidity in one Domoticz MQTT message.

  • Domoticz configured with a virtual sensor Temp+Hum using Idx 134


  ON tele-am2301-12#temperature DO var1 %value% ENDON
  ON tele-am2301-12#humidity DO publish domoticz/in {"idx":134,"svalue":"%var1%;%value%;1"} ENDON

Result - As a result of the tele- prefix the rules will be checked at TelePeriod time for sensor AM2301-12 Temperature and Humidity. The first rule will use the Temperature stored in %value% and save it in %var1% for future use. The second rule will use the Humidity stored in %value% and the Temperature stored in %var1% to compose a single MQTT message suitable for Domoticz.

Publish Maximum Value from sensor in a time period~

This rule stores the sensor value in var1. When the current value is greater than the previous, var1 is updated. If the current value is smaller, var1 remains unchanged. Then every minute, var1 is published and reset. This results in publication of the maximum/peak value for the last minute. Useful, for example in a decibel meter, when the peak value is important, rather than the value that is occurring by chance at normal telemetry time.

This example uses Analog Range mode (trigger analog#range) which is a scaled output value (the raw analog value would be analog#a0). On ESP32 which supports multiple ADC inputs, the ADC index must be appended such as analog#range1 for ADC#1.

  ON analog#range>%var1% DO VAR1 %value% ENDON
  ON Time#Minute DO Backlog publish shed/tele/maxdb %var1%; var1 0 ENDON

Rule 1 1

RF Repeater / IR Repeater~

In some applications, an RF-Repeater may come in handy to increase the range of RF based devices. We need to use RF receiver and RF transmitter modules with tasmota powered controllers. The following rule looks for data received by the RF receiver and re transmits the same over the transmitter.

  on RfReceived#data do RfSend {"Data":%value%,"Bits":24,"Protocol":1,"Pulse":454} endon
Enable it with Rule1 1

A similar concept can also work for IR- Repeater. Connect IR receiver module and IR trnasmitter to Tasmotized device and the following rule retransmits any data over IR

  on IrReceived#Data do IRsend {"Protocol":"NEC","Bits":32,"Data":%value%} endon
Enable it with Rule1 1

The only catch is that the protocol needs to be setup in the rule. Most likely this can be taken care of by using a more complex rule maybe using variables. Would update in future

Power LED brightness indicates Power Load~

Uses the power LED to indicate the power load.

  • Relay off - Power LED off
  • Relay on - Power LED dimmed to minimum of 50% (128) which equals no power consumption (0W) the remaining possible brightness (50%-100%) correlates with the power consumption (100% = 255, equals 200W)

# enable PWM mode
LedPwmMode1 1

Rule1 ON ENERGY#Power DO BACKLOG Scale1 %value%,0,200,128,255; LedPwmOn %var1% ENDON
Enable it with Rule1 1