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SHT30 temperature sensor~

This feature is included only in tasmota-sensors and tasmota32 binaries

When compiling your build add the following to user_config_override.h:

#ifndef USE_SHT3X 
#define USE_SHT3X           // [I2cDriver15] Enable SHT3x (I2C address 0x44 or 0x45) or SHTC3 (I2C address 0x70) sensor (+0k7 code)

Wemos SHT30 Shield High Precision Humidity & Temperature (I2C) sensor

From the Wemos SHT30 shield specs the SDA pin on the SHT30 shield is connected to D2 and the SCL pin to D1.


As a default the SHT30 uses I2C address 0x45 and is user changeable by short-circuiting the two soldering pads at the lower left-side of the sensor (see image below marked green).

Also if no other I2C devices are connected to the Wemos it might be wise to short-circuit the three soldering pads at the upper left-side of the sensor (see image below marked red). This connects the pull-up resistors for I2C and biases the SCL and SDA pins to VCC. This is to avoid possible false detections of other sensors like VEML6070.

Note: On the v2.1.0 board these pads are on the rear.

Tasmota Settings~

In the Configuration -> Configure Module page assign:

  • D2 GPIO4 to I2C SDA
  • D1 GPIO5 to I2C SCL


After reboot of the device the temperature, humidity and dew point are displayed.


Breakout Boards~

Three versions are known to exist, they all share the same pinout. Lolin is the new name for Wemos going forward.

  • v.1.0.0 - original design (retired)
  • v.2.0.0 - detachable design
  • v.2.1.0 - detachable design with TFT I2C connector
