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Sensor API

Tasmota sensor API documentation for sensor driver development.

Important things to consider~

  • There are several I2C sensor examples you can take from the development codebase when writing your own and you are encouraged to do this as it is a quick and easy way to see how things fit together.
  • The Tasmota firmware is essentially intended for ESP8266/ESP8285 Wi-Fi SoC based devices and commits to the main development branch will be subject to review based on whether or not what you intend to develop or add to the existing code is relevant to the general ESP device users.
  • That being said, there is a lot of development going into the firmware which extends the functionality of standard off the shelf Sonoff devices. The firmware in itself is also useful for boards such as the WeMos ESP82xx boards. More technically inclined individuals who use generic ESP82xx modules in their own circuits to provide more access to pins and the ability to add more sensors and hardware external to the device or the generic ESP82xx module circuits can also take advantage of Tasmota.
  • The resources on the ESP82xx are finite. Most devices ship with 1MByte SPI flash which means for the generic device users, the code generally needs to be less than 502KBytes to ensure that OTA (Over The Air) flash functionality (which is the main reason why people use this firmware) remains available. RAM is also limited to an absolute maximum of 80KBytes. This memory is divided into heap (used by global variables and Strings) and stack (used by local variables) where stack space is just 4KBytes.
  • Given the above resource constraints it's important to keep your code as small as possible, as fast running as possible, and use as little RAM as possible.
  • You need to think about these resource constraints all the time whilst doing any development you wish to add to the firmware functionality - Face the fact that microcontroller development isn't as close a relative to standard computer programming as you'd expect.
  • You will be adding code to an existing framework which requires you to adhere to some simple but strict rules such as not having any infinite loops like you would have in your generic Arduino code and try to avoid using the delay() functions when writing your code as this will cause the entire firmware to be subjected to the delays you have added - Infinite loops will cause the firmware to lock up completely!
  • If your sensor has configuration options please make these available by using the SensorXX framework which is already incorporated in the base code - This may not stop you from using a web-based configuration interface but since web-based configuration takes up a lot of code space in flash it is very important to make this optional by means of a compiler directive or a #define in the configuration file and as such something you need to keep in mind during your development and debugging - The more progressively optional additional features are in your driver the smaller the basic codebase can be for minimalist implementations.
  • Whilst developing drivers for devices that use the I2C bus always consider other devices already supported in the codebase which may use the same address range. This could mean you need to find a unique way of differentiating your device detection from other devices on the same address range (e.g. querying a model-specific register) and/or disabling by #undef existing devices if yours is selected with a #define statement and in such cases always provide a warning to the user during compile time using the #warning pragma such as including #warning **** Turned off conflicting drivers SHT and VEML6070 **** in your code.
  • DO NOT ADD WEB INTERFACE FOR SENSOR CONFIGURATION if your sensor requires additional user configuration. The reason for this is the additional program memory required but most importantly the amount of RAM required to even create minimal user interfaces. Running out of RAM during runtime will lead to abnormal behaviour of your driver and/or other drivers or the entire firmware! See sensors such as the MCP23008/MCP23017 driver on more information on how to implement SensorXX commands instead!
  • While developing you might want to enable additional debugging provided by file xdrv_99_debug.ino using #define USE_DEBUG_DRIVER which provides some commands for managing configuration settings and CPU timing. In addition you can enable define PROFILE_XSNS_SENSOR_EVERY_SECOND to profile your drivers duration.
  • Do not assume others will know immediately how to use your addition and know that you will need to write a Wiki for it in the end.

Managing a Forked Branch~

If you plan to submit a PR bigger than a simple change in one file, here is a short intro about how to do a clean PR.

  • fork the Tasmota repository in Github
  • git clone<github_user>/Tasmota.git and work on your local copy
  • git remote add upstream
  • git checkout development
  • git checkout -b <temp_branch> to create a working branch where you can push commits
  • git push --set-upstream origin <temp_branch>
  • work on your local version and push as many commits as you want

When you think it is ready to merge and submit a PR:

  • git checkout development to go back to the main branch
  • git pull upstream development to update all the latest changes
  • git push to update your fork
  • git checkout -b <pr_branch> to create a new branch for the final PR
  • git push --set-upstream origin <pr_branch>
  • Merge the edits but be sure to remove the history of your local commits
  • git merge --squash <temp_branch>
  • git commit -m "Message"

Now you have a clean single commit from which you can create the PR on the Tasmota Github.

Directory/file structure~

Sensor libraries are located in the lib/ directory. Sensor drivers are located in the tasmota/ directory. The filename of the sensor driver is xsns_<driver_ID>_<driver_name>.ino, e.g. xsns_05_ds18b20.ino where <driver_ID> is a unique number between 01 and 90 and <driver_name> is a human-readable name of the driver.

Using generic libraries from external sources for sensors should be avoided as far as possible as they usually include code for other platforms and are not always written in an optimized way.

API structure~

Pre-processor directives~

Conditional compiling of a sensor driver is achieved by adding a pre-processor directive of the scheme USE_<driver_name> in my_user_config.h. Accordingly the driver code has to be wrapped in #ifdef USE_<driver_name> ... #endif // USE_<driver_name>. Any Sensor driver must contain a pre-processor directive defining the driver ID by the scheme #define XSNS_<driver_ID>.

Callback function~

Any sensor driver needs a callback function following the scheme

// Conditional compilation of driver
#ifdef USE_<driver_name>

// Define driver ID
#define XSNS_<driver_ID>  <driver_ID>

 * The callback function Xsns<driver_ID>() interfaces Tasmota with the sensor driver.
 * It provides the Tasmota callback IDs.
 * @param   byte    callback_id  Tasmota function ID.
 * @return  boolean              Return value.
 * @pre     None.
 * @post    None.
boolean Xsns<driverID>(byte callback_id) {

  // Set return value to `false`
  boolean result = false;

  // Check if I2C interface mode
// if(i2c_flg) {

  // Check which callback ID is called by Tasmota
  switch (callback_id) {
    case FUNC_INIT:
    case FUNC_COMMAND:
// } // if(i2c_flg)

  // Return boolean result
  return result;
#endif // USE_<driver_name>

Callback IDs~


This callback ID is called when sensor drivers should be initialized.


This callback ID is called every 50 milliseconds, e.g. for near real-time operation


This callback ID is called every second.

It can be useful for anything that you need to do on a per second basis and is commonly used as an entry point to detect a driver or initialize an externally driven device such as a sensor, relay board or other forms of input/output required by your driver.

You would normally want to make sure you've detected and initialised before it is used by JSON_APPEND, etc. so that it's ready to serve data.

The generally accepted way to use this would be to detect your sensor and once this is done set a sensor value accordingly so that the function does not use unnecessary resources during future calls, for example:

void MySensorDetect()
  if (MySensorDetected) { return; }
   * Perform the code which needs to be completed to
   * detect your sensor and then set MySensorDetected to
   * a non-zero value which will prevent this section
   * of your code to re-run every time the function is
   * called.
   * Under normal circumstances you'd not need to do
   * re-detect or initialise your sensor once it has been
   * done

Setting a flag that the driver was successful in detecting the attached chip/board via I2C or SPI will prevent it from continuously trying to initialize an already initialized device.

When writing your function responsible for detecting an externally connected I2C device try to create a method by which you read or write to specific registers that would be applicable to that specific I2C device only as to confirm a positive detect for the device. If this is not done extensively it will lead to some drivers getting false detects for a different device type simply because it shares the same I2C address.

Unless your driver is specifically going to use the entire array of addresses provisioned by the manufacturer please consider using a #define USE_MYCHIPNAME_ADDR in the my_user_config.h so that the user may specify the address on which to expect the device. This is of course only applicable to drivers that are not enabled by default in any of the pre-built binaries.

I2C address auto-detection example

#define MPR121_I2C_ADDR_1ST  0x5A    /** 1st I2C address of sensor model **/
#define MPR121_I2C_ADDR_NUM  4       /** Number of sensors/I2C addresses **/
#define MPR121_I2C_ID_REG    0x5D    /** Sensor model specific ID register **/
#define MPR121_I2C_ID_VAL    0x24    /** Sensor model specific ID register value **/

/* Sensor data struct type declaration/default definition */
typedef struct {
    bool connected    = false;     /** Status if sensor is connected at I2C address */
    bool running      = false;     /** Running state of sensor */
} mpr121;

// Declare array of sensor data structs
mpr121 mpr121[MPR121_I2C_ADDR_NUM];

// Sensor specific init function
void mpr121_init() {
    bool anyConnected = false;
    // Loop through I2C addresses
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MPR121_I2C_ADDR_NUM); i++) {

        // Check if sensor is connected on I2C address
        mpr121[i].connected = (MPR121_I2C_ID_VAL == I2cRead8(MPR121_I2C_ADDR_1ST + i, MPR121_I2C_ID_REG);
        if(mpr121[i].connected) {
            anyConnected = true;

            // Log sensor found
            snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_I2C "MPR121-%d " D_FOUND_AT " 0x%X"), i, MPR121_I2C_ADDR_1ST + i);

            // Initialize sensor

            // Set running to true
            mpr121[i].running = true;
        snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_I2C "MPR121: No sensors found"));

Four advanced methods to use FUNC_EVERY_SECOND (Food for thought) :

  • If a sensor needs an action which takes a long time, like more than 100mS, the action will be started here for a future follow-up. Using the uptime variable for testing like (uptime &1) will happen every 2 seconds. An example is the DS18B20 driver where readings (conversions they call it) can take up to 800mS from the initial request.
  • If a sensor needed the previous action it is now time to gather the information and store it in a safe place to be used by FUNC_JSON_APPEND and/or FUNC_WEB_APPEND. Using the else function of the previous test (uptime &1) will happen every 2 seconds too but just 1 second later than the previous action.
  • If a sensor does not respond for 10 times the sensor detection flag could be reset which will stop further processing until the sensor is re-detected. This is currently not being used actively as some users complain about disappearing sensors for whatever reason - Could be hardware related but easier to make Tasmota a little more flexible.
  • Making re-detection of a sensor possible by executing this once every 100 seconds (94 == (uptime %100)) a re-attached sensor can be detected without a restart of Tasmota. The 94 given in this example should be different for every sensor driver to make sure not all sensors start detection at the same time. Using the drivers index number should be a good starting point.


NOTE: This callback ID is deprecated as sensors should prepare for more regular updates due to "realtime" rule execution. Use FUNC_EVERY_SECOND instead. See examples used in xsns_05_ds18x20.ino and xsns_09_bmp.ino where updated sensor data is stored in preparation to calls to FUNC_JSON_APPEND and FUNC_WEB_APPEND.


This callback ID is called when TelePeriod is due to append telemetry data to the MQTT JSON string or at approximately every 2 seconds when a rule is checked, e.g.

snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"MPR121%c\":{\"Button%i\":%i}}"), pS->id[i], j, BITC(i,j));


This callback ID is called every millisecond when HTML code should be added to the Tasmota web-interface main page, e.g.,

snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("%s{s}MPR121%c Button%d{m}%d{e}"), mqtt_data, pS->id[i], j, BITC(i,j));
It should be wrapped in #ifdef USE_WEBSERVER ... #endif // USE_WEBSERVER


This callback ID is called to allow a sensor to prepare for saving configuration changes. To be used to save volatile data just before a restart. Variables can be appended to struct SYSCFG {} Settings in file tasmota/settings.h.


This callback ID is called when a sensor specific command Sensor<xx> or Driver<xx> is executed where xx is the sensor index.

        case FUNC_COMMAND:
            if (XSNS_<driver_ID> == XdrvMailbox.index) {
               result = <driver_name>Command() { ... };  // Return true on success
// Data struct of FUNC_COMMAND ID
  uint16_t      valid;      // ???
  uint16_t      index;      // Sensor index
  uint16_t      data_len;   // Length of command string
  uint16_t      payload16;  // 16 bit unsigned int of payload if it could be converted, otherwise 0
  int16_t       payload;    // 16 bit signed int of payload if it could be converted, otherwise 0
  uint8_t       grpflg;     // ???
  uint8_t       notused;    // ???
  char         *topic;      // Command topic
  char         *data;       // Command string/value - length of which is defined by data_len
} XdrvMailbox;

If your driver needs to accept multiple parameters for SensorXX and/or DriverXX please consider using comma delimited formatting and use the already written subStr() function declared in support.ino to parse through the parameters you need.

An example of those could be

SensorXX reset // The reset parameter may be intercepted using:
if (!strcmp(subStr(sub_string,, ",", 1),"RESET")) { // Note 1 used for param number
    return serviced;
Or in the case of multiple parameters
SensorXX mode,1
if (!strcmp(subStr(sub_string,, ",", 1),"MODE")) { // Note 1 used for param number
  uint8_t mode = atoi(subStr(sub_string,, ",", 2);  // Note 2 used for param number

Useful functions~


void MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(uint8_t prefix, const char* subtopic, boolean retained)
This function publishes MQTT messages immediately, e.g.,
snprintf_P(mqtt_data, sizeof(mqtt_data), PSTR("{\"MPR121%c\":{\"Button%i\":%i}}"), pS->id[i], j, BITC(i,j));
MqttPublishPrefixTopic_P(RESULT_OR_STAT, mqtt_data);


void AddLog(byte loglevel)
This function adds log messages stored in log_data to the local logging system, e.g.
snprintf_P(log_data, sizeof(log_data), PSTR(D_LOG_I2C "MPR121(%c) " D_FOUND_AT " 0x%X"), pS->id[i], pS->i2c_addr[i]);
void AddLogSerial(byte loglevel)
This function adds a log message to the local logging system dumping the serial buffer as hex information, e.g.
void AddLogMissed(char *sensor, uint8_t misses)
This function adds a log message to the local logging system about missed sensor reads.

I2C Interface~

bool I2cValidRead8(uint8_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidRead16(uint16_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidReadS16(int16_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidRead16LE(uint16_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidReadS16_LE(int16_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidRead24(int32_t *data, uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
bool I2cValidRead(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t size)
These functions return true if 1, 2, 3 or size bytes can be read from the I2C address addr and register reg into *data. Functions with a S read signed data types while functions without a S read unsigned data types. Functions with LE read little-endian byte order while functions without LE read machine byte order.

uint8_t I2cRead8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
uint16_t I2cRead16(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
int16_t I2cReadS16(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
uint16_t I2cRead16LE(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
int16_t I2cReadS16_LE(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
int32_t I2cRead24(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg)
These functions return 1, 2 or 3 bytes from the I2C address addr and register reg. Functions with a S read signed data types while functions without a S read unsigned data types. Functions with LE read little endian byte order while functions without LE read machine byte order.

bool I2cWrite8(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
bool I2cWrite16(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint16_t val)
bool I2cWrite(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint32_t val, uint8_t size)
These functions return true after successfully writing 1, 2 or size bytes to the I2C address addr and register reg.

int8_t I2cReadBuffer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len)
int8_t I2cWriteBuffer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *reg_data, uint16_t len)
These functions copy len bytes from/to *reg_data starting at I2C address addr and register reg.

void I2cScan(char *devs, unsigned int devs_len)
This functions writes a list of I2C addresses in use into the string *dev with maximum length devs_len.

bool I2cDevice(byte addr)
This functions checks if the I2C address addr is in use.

Useful pre-processor directives~


This pre-processor directive saves RAM by storing strings in flash instead of RAM.

const char MyTextStaticVariable[] PROGMEM = "string";
This pre-processor directive saves RAM by storing strings in flash instead of RAM.

You may then reference them directly (if the type matches the parameter required) or force it to 4 byte alignment by using the variable as FPSTR(MyTextStaticVariable)

Keeping ESP8266 code compact~

Below are various tips and tricks to keep ESP8266 code compact and save both Flash and Memory. Flash code is limited to 1024k but keep in mind that to allow OTA upgrade, you need Flash memory to contain two firmwares at the same time. To go beyond 512k, you typically use tasmota-minimal as an intermediate firmware. tasmota-minimal takes roughly 360k, so it's safe not to go uint32_t beyond 620k of Flash. Memory is even more limited: 80k. With Arduino Core and basic Tasmota, there are 25k-30k left of heap space. Heap memory is very precious, running out of memory will generally cause a crash.

About ESP8266~

ESP8266 is based on Xtensa instruction set. Xtensa is a 32 bits RISC processor core, containing 16 x 32 bits registers. ESP8266 supports integer operations, including 32x32 multiplication. It does not contain an FPU for floating point operations, nor integer divisions.

Contrary to classical RISC processors, all instructions are 24 bits wide instead of 32 bits. To increase code compactness, some instructions have a 16 bits version used whenever possible by gcc.

If you want to see what assembly is generated by gcc, in file platform.ini, at the section used to compile (ex: [core_2_6_1]) in section build_flags add:

-save-temps=obj -fverbose-asm

Gcc will store <file>.s in the same folder as the .o file, typically in .pioenvs/.

First example~

Let's take a basic function:

uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  return a + b;

Below is the generated assembly. Function names are mangled using standard C++, i.e. their name derive from their arguments and return types:

    add.n   a2, a2, a3  #, a, b

As you can see, this is the simplest function we can think of. Register A2 holds the first argument and is used for return value. A3 holds the second argument.

uint8_t or uint32_t ?~

uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  uint8_t c = a + b;
  return c;


    add.n   a2, a2, a3  # tmp52, a, b
    extui   a2, a2, 0, 8    #, tmp52

Whenever gcc needs to convert from uin32_t to uint8_t, it uses an extra instruction extui <reg>, <reg>, 0, 8.

Whenever you allocate uint8_t as a local variable, it will anyways allocate 32 bits on the stack.

In conclusion you can easily use uint32_t in many places in the code. The main reason to force uint8_t are:

  • in structures, to save memory. This is the only place where uint8_t will take 1 byte and the compiler will try to pack as much as 4 uint8_t in 32 bits
  • when you want to ensure that the value can never exceed 255. Beware though that the compiler will just chunk the last 8 bits of a 32 bits value and will not report any overflow.


Should you use uint8_t or uint32_t for loops?

Let's try:

uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    a += b;
  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
    a += b;
  return a;


    movi.n  a3, 0   # ivtmp$7334,                     <- loop 1
    add.n   a2, a2, a3  # a, a, ivtmp$7334
    addi.n  a3, a3, 1   # ivtmp$7334, ivtmp$7334,
    bnei    a3, 10, .L2031  # ivtmp$7334,,
    movi.n  a3, 0   # j,                              <- loop 2
    add.n   a2, a2, a3  # a, a, j
    addi.n  a3, a3, 1   # j, j,
    bnei    a3, 10, .L2033  # j,,

As you can see here, both loops generate the same assembly for fixed size loops.

Let's now see for variable size loops.

uint32_t Example(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < b; i++) {
    a += i;
  for (uint32_t j = 0; j < b; j++) {
    a += j;
  return a;


    movi.n  a4, 0   # i,                     <- loop 1
    j   .L2030  #
    add.n   a2, a2, a4  # a, a, i
    addi.n  a4, a4, 1   # tmp48, i,
    extui   a4, a4, 0, 8    # i, tmp48       <- extra 32 to 8 bits conversion
    bltu    a4, a3, .L2031  # i, b,
    movi.n  a4, 0   # j,                     <- loop 2
    j   .L2032  #
    add.n   a2, a2, a4  # a, a, j
    addi.n  a4, a4, 1   # j, j,
    bne a4, a3, .L2033  # j, b,

In the first loop, the register a4 needs to be converted from 32 bits to 8 bits in each iteration.

Again, there is no definitive rule, but keep in mind that using uint8_t can sometimes increase code size compared to uint32_t.

Floats, not doubles!~

ESP8266 does not have a FPU (Floating Point Unit), all floating point operations are emulated in software and provided in libm.a. The linker removes any unused functions, so we need to limit the number of floating point function calls.

Rule 1: use ints where you can, avoid floating point operations.

Rule 2: if you really need floating point, always use float, never ever use double.

Let's now see why.

floatfits in 32 bits, with a mantissa of 20 bits, exponent of TODO. The mantissa is 20 bits wide, which provides enough precision for most of our needs.

float is 32 bits wide and fits in a single register, whereas double is 64 bits and requires 2 registers.

float Examplef(float a, float b) {
  return sinf(a) * (b + 0.4f) - 3.5f;


    .literal .LC1012, 0x3ecccccd      <- 0.4f
    .literal .LC1013, 0x40600000      <- 3.5f
    addi    sp, sp, -16 #,,       <- reserve 16 bytes on stack
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,        <- save a0 (return address) on stack
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,        <- save a12 on stack, to free for local var
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,        <- save a13 on stack, to free for local var
    mov.n   a13, a3 # b, b            <- a3 holds 'b', save to a13
    call0   sinf    #                 <- calc sin of a2 (a)
    l32r    a3, .LC1012 #,        <- load 0.4f in a3
    mov.n   a12, a2 # D.171139,       <- save result 'sin(a)' to a12
    mov.n   a2, a13 #, b              <- move a13 (second arg: b) to a2
    call0   __addsf3    #         <- add floats a2 and a3, result to a2
    mov.n   a3, a2  # D.171139,       <- copy result to a3
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, D.171139       <- load a2 with a12: sin(a)
    call0   __mulsf3    #         <- multiply 'sin(a)*(b+0.4f)'
    l32r    a3, .LC1013 #,        <- load a3 with 3.5f
    call0   __subsf3    #         <- subtract
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,        <- restore a0 (return address)
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,        <- restore a12
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,        <- restore a13
    addi    sp, sp, 16  #,,       <- free stack
    ret.n                             <- return

Now with double:

double Exampled(double a, double b) {
  return sin(a) * (b + 0.4) - 3.5;


    .literal .LC1014, 0x9999999a, 0x3fd99999     <- 0.4
    .literal .LC1015, 0x00000000, 0x400c0000     <- 3.5
    addi    sp, sp, -32 #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 28  #,
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 24 #,
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 20 #,
    s32i.n  a14, sp, 16 #,
    s32i.n  a15, sp, 12 #,
    mov.n   a14, a4 #,
    mov.n   a15, a5 #,
    call0   sin #
    l32r    a4, .LC1014 #,
    l32r    a5, .LC1014+4   #,
    mov.n   a12, a2 #,
    mov.n   a13, a3 #,
    mov.n   a2, a14 #,
    mov.n   a3, a15 #,
    call0   __adddf3    #
    mov.n   a4, a2  #,
    mov.n   a5, a3  #,
    mov.n   a2, a12 #,
    mov.n   a3, a13 #,
    call0   __muldf3    #
    l32r    a4, .LC1015 #,
    l32r    a5, .LC1015+4   #,
    call0   __subdf3    #
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 28  #,
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 24 #,
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 20 #,
    l32i.n  a14, sp, 16 #,
    l32i.n  a15, sp, 12 #,
    addi    sp, sp, 32  #,,

As you can see the double needs to move many more registers around. Examplef (float) is 84 bytes, Exampled (double) is 119 bytes (+42% code size). Actually it's even worse, sin is larger than float version sinf.

Also, never forget to explicitly tag literals as float: always put 1.5f and not 1.5. Let's see the impact:

float Examplef2(float a, float b) {
  return sinf(a) * (b + 0.4) - 3.5;    // same as above with double literals


    .literal .LC1014, 0x9999999a, 0x3fd99999
    .literal .LC1015, 0x00000000, 0x400c0000
    .align  4
    .global _Z9Examplef2ff
    .type   _Z9Examplef2ff, @function
    addi    sp, sp, -16 #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,
    s32i.n  a14, sp, 0  #,
    mov.n   a14, a3 # b, b
    call0   sinf    #
    call0   __extendsfdf2   #        <- extend float to double
    mov.n   a12, a2 #,
    mov.n   a2, a14 #, b
    mov.n   a13, a3 #,
    call0   __extendsfdf2   #        <- extend float to double
    l32r    a4, .LC1014 #,
    l32r    a5, .LC1014+4   #,
    call0   __adddf3    #        <- add double
    mov.n   a4, a2  #,
    mov.n   a5, a3  #,
    mov.n   a2, a12 #,
    mov.n   a3, a13 #,
    call0   __muldf3    #        <- multiply double
    l32r    a4, .LC1015 #,
    l32r    a5, .LC1015+4   #,
    call0   __subdf3    #        <- subtract double
    call0   __truncdfsf2    #        <- truncate double to float
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,
    l32i.n  a14, sp, 0  #,
    addi    sp, sp, 16  #,,

The last example takes 143 bytes, which is even worse than the double version, because of conversions from float to double and back. Internally, if you don't force float literals, gcc will make all intermediate compute in double and convert to float in the end. This is usually what is wanted: compute with maximum precision and truncate at the last moment. But for ESP8266 we want the opposite: most compact code.

String concatenation~

Let's start with an easy example:

void ExampleStringConcat(String &s) {
  s += "suffix";

Assembly (25 bytes):

    .string "suffix"
    .literal .LC1025, .LC1024
    l32r    a3, .LC1025 #,
    addi    sp, sp, -16 #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEPKc   #
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    addi    sp, sp, 16  #,,

If you need to add more complex strings, do not concatenate using native c++ concat:

void ExampleStringConcat2(String &s, uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
  s += "[" + String(a) + "," + String(b) + "]";

Assembly (122 bytes!):

    .string ","
    .string "["
    .string "]"
    .literal .LC1027, .LC1026
    .literal .LC1028, .LC231
    .literal .LC1030, .LC1029
    addi    sp, sp, -64 #,,
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 52 #,
    extui   a13, a3, 0, 8   # a, a
    l32r    a3, .LC1027 #,
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 56 #,
    mov.n   a12, a2 # s, s
    addi.n  a2, sp, 12  #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    s32i.n  a14, sp, 48 #,
    extui   a14, a4, 0, 8   # b, b
    call0   _ZN6StringC2EPKc    # .    <- allocate String
    movi.n  a4, 0xa #,
    addi    a2, sp, 24  #,,
    mov.n   a3, a13 #, a
    call0   _ZN6StringC1Ehh #              <- allocate String
    addi    a3, sp, 24  #,,
    addi.n  a2, sp, 12  #,,
    call0   _ZplRK15StringSumHelperRK6String    #
    l32r    a3, .LC1028 #,
    call0   _ZplRK15StringSumHelperPKc  #
    movi.n  a4, 0xa #,
    mov.n   a13, a2 # D.171315,
    mov.n   a3, a14 #, b
    mov.n   a2, sp  #,
    call0   _ZN6StringC1Ehh #              <- allocate String
    mov.n   a3, sp  #,
    mov.n   a2, a13 #, D.171315
    call0   _ZplRK15StringSumHelperRK6String    #
    l32r    a3, .LC1030 #,
    call0   _ZplRK15StringSumHelperPKc  #
    mov.n   a3, a2  # D.171315,
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, s
    call0   _ZN6String6concatERKS_  #
    mov.n   a2, sp  #,
    call0   _ZN6StringD1Ev  #              <- destructor
    addi    a2, sp, 24  #,,
    call0   _ZN6StringD1Ev  #              <- destructor
    addi.n  a2, sp, 12  #,,
    call0   _ZN6StringD2Ev  #          <- destructor
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 56 #,
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 52 #,
    l32i.n  a14, sp, 48 #,
    addi    sp, sp, 64  #,,

Instead use native String concat:

void ExampleStringConcat3(String &s, uint8_t a, uint8_t b) {
  s += "[";
  s += a;
  s += ",";
  s += b;
  s += "]";

Assembly (69 bytes, -43%):

    .string ","
    .string "["
    .string "]"
    .literal .LC1031, .LC1026
    .literal .LC1032, .LC231
    .literal .LC1033, .LC1029
    addi    sp, sp, -16 #,,
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,
    extui   a13, a3, 0, 8   # a, a
    l32r    a3, .LC1031 #,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,
    s32i.n  a14, sp, 0  #,
    mov.n   a12, a2 # s, s
    extui   a14, a4, 0, 8   # b, b
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEPKc   #       <- native char* add
    mov.n   a3, a13 #, a
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, s
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEh #       <- native int add
    l32r    a3, .LC1032 #,
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, s
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEPKc   #       <- native char* add
    mov.n   a3, a14 #, b
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, s
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEh #       <- native int add
    l32r    a3, .LC1033 #,
    mov.n   a2, a12 #, s
    call0   _ZN6String6concatEPKc   #       <- native char* add
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 12  #,
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 8  #,
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 4  #,
    l32i.n  a14, sp, 0  #,
    addi    sp, sp, 16  #,,

Extension to (v)snprintf()~

Tasmota code uses extensively snprintf() to build Web UI, MQTT messages and logs.

However there are some limitations. First we use a stripped down version of (v)snprintf() to save a big amount of code size; and types like float or uint64 or not supported. Second Arduino core often uses high level objects like IPAddress that are not natively supported by snprintf().

GCC libc normally includes a way to extend printf to new data types, but again the reduced lib in Arduino does not provide such a standard extension mechanism.

We have now build an extension mechanism to snprintf() to allow for simpler code and less flash space.

How to use~

All extensions are using %_<x> where <x> is one of the following:

Warning: most high-level values must be passed by address

  • %_X: support for uint64_t.


uint64_t u64 = 0x1122334455667788LL;
ext_snprintf(PSTR("Int64 = 0x%_X"), &u64);
  • %_I: support for IPv4 ip address in the form of uint32_t. Note: it is passed by value, not by address.


uint32_t ip = 0x10203040;
ext_snprintf(PSTR("IP = 0x%_I"), ip);
  • %_f or %*_f or %<number>_f: support for float. Note: float must be passed by address (otherwise it is silently converted to double and creates alignment issues on the stack).

When using %*_f, the first argument specifies the number d of decimal for the float, as a signed int. d can also be directly coded in the format ex: %2_f of %-2_f.

If d > 0 we output exactly d decimals (even zeros), if d < 0 we output d decimals but remove any trailing zeros. Default value is -2 (2 decimals).


char s[128];
float fl = 3.14;
ext_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("f1=%*_f f2=%*_f f3=%4_f f4=%-4_f"), 4, &fl, -4, &fl, &fl, &fl);
// outputs:
// "f1=3.1400 f2=3.14 f3=3.1400 f4=3.14"
  • %*_H: prints an array of bytes as Hex (uppercase). The first argument is the length in bytes of the array (if zero or negative, it outputs an empty string). The second argument is the pointer to the array of bytes. The pointer can be null if the length is zero or negative. The pointer can be in PROGMEM. Note: %_H will output an empty string because it is missing the length.


char s[16];
const uint8_t b[] PROGMEM = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0xFF };
ext_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("Hex=%*_H"), sizeof(b), b);
// outputs:
// "Hex=000180FF"
  • %_B: this is equivalent to %*_H but directly takes an SBuffer() object.


char s[16];
SBuffer b(8);    // statically allocate 8 bytes

ext_snprintf(s, sizeof(s), PSTR("Hex=%_B"), &b);
// outputs:
// "Hex=5AA5"

Code size reduction~


It is not needed to call explicitly dtostrfd() anymore:


int ResponseAppendTHD(float f_temperature, float f_humidity)
  char temperature[FLOATSZ];
  dtostrfd(f_temperature, Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, temperature);
  char humidity[FLOATSZ];
  dtostrfd(f_humidity, Settings.flag2.humidity_resolution, humidity);
  char dewpoint[FLOATSZ];
  dtostrfd(CalcTempHumToDew(f_temperature, f_humidity), Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, dewpoint);

  return ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_HUMIDITY "\":%s,\"" D_JSON_DEWPOINT "\":%s"), temperature, humidity, dewpoint);

Assembly (117 bytes):

    addi    sp, sp, -64 #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    s32i.n  a12, sp, 56 #,
    s32i.n  a13, sp, 52 #,
    s32i.n  a14, sp, 48 #,
    mov.n   a13, a3 # f_humidity, f_humidity
    mov.n   a14, a2 # f_temperature, f_temperature
    call0   __extendsfdf2   #
    l32r    a12, .LC658 #, tmp57
    addi    a5, sp, 32  #,,
    addmi   a12, a12, 0x500 # tmp60, tmp57,
    l32i    a4, a12, 188    # Settings, Settings
    extui   a4, a4, 30, 2   #, Settings,
    call0   _Z8dtostrfddhPc #
    mov.n   a2, a13 #, f_humidity
    call0   __extendsfdf2   #
    l32i    a4, a12, 188    # Settings, Settings
    addi    a5, sp, 16  #,,
    extui   a4, a4, 28, 2   #, Settings,,
    call0   _Z8dtostrfddhPc #
    mov.n   a3, a13 #, f_humidity
    mov.n   a2, a14 #, f_temperature
    call0   _Z16CalcTempHumToDewff  #
    call0   __extendsfdf2   #
    l32i    a4, a12, 188    # Settings, Settings
    mov.n   a5, sp  #,
    extui   a4, a4, 30, 2   #, Settings,
    call0   _Z8dtostrfddhPc #
    l32r    a2, .LC659  #,
    addi    a3, sp, 32  #,,
    addi    a4, sp, 16  #,,
    mov.n   a5, sp  #,
    call0   _Z16ResponseAppend_PPKcz    #
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    l32i.n  a12, sp, 56 #,
    l32i.n  a13, sp, 52 #,
    l32i.n  a14, sp, 48 #,
    addi    sp, sp, 64  #,,


int ResponseAppendTHD(float f_temperature, float f_humidity)
  float dewpoint = CalcTempHumToDew(f_temperature, f_humidity);

  return ResponseAppend_P(PSTR("\"" D_JSON_TEMPERATURE "\":%*_f,\"" D_JSON_HUMIDITY "\":%*_f,\"" D_JSON_DEWPOINT "\":%*_f"),
                          Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, &f_temperature,
                          Settings.flag2.humidity_resolution, &f_humidity,
                          Settings.flag2.temperature_resolution, &dewpoint);

Assembly (61 bytes):

    addi    sp, sp, -64 #,,
    s32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    s32i.n  a3, sp, 36  # f_humidity, f_humidity
    s32i.n  a2, sp, 32  # f_temperature, f_temperature
    call0   _Z16CalcTempHumToDewff  #
    s32i.n  a2, sp, 16  # dewpoint,
    l32r    a2, .LC658  #, tmp51
    addi    a4, sp, 32  #,,
    addmi   a2, a2, 0x500   # tmp54, tmp51,
    l32i    a5, a2, 188 # Settings, Settings
    addi    a2, sp, 16  # tmp68,,
    extui   a7, a5, 30, 2   # D.156427, Settings,
    s32i.n  a2, sp, 0   #, tmp68
    l32r    a2, .LC659  #,
    addi    a6, sp, 36  #,,
    mov.n   a3, a7  #, D.156427
    extui   a5, a5, 28, 2   #, Settings,,
    call0   _Z16ResponseAppend_PPKcz    #
    l32i.n  a0, sp, 60  #,
    addi    sp, sp, 64  #,,