Tasmota Device Manager or TDM is a GUI application written in Python for discovery and monitoring of Tasmota flashed devices.
- clean, readable interface
- autodetection of devices following the default topic template for Tasmota (%prefix%/%topic%/) and for HomeAssistant Auto Discovery protocol (%topic%/%prefix%/)
- module and GPIO configuration
- rules editor
- devices with different syntax can be added manually
- clean retained MQTT topic messages
- toggleable active querying of telemetry
- passive monitoring of state and telemetry (currently supported sensors are listed in "status8.json")
- relay control via context menu on device list (all ON/OFF, or individual)
- MQTT console with payload preview (dbl-click an entry to display), sorting and filtering
- selectable detail columns in device list
- BSSID aliasing for larger deployments
Python 3.6+ is required. Clone the repo or download zip and extract, install prerequisites and run tdm.py using Python binary.
pip install PyQt5paho-mqtt:
pip install paho-mqtt