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Visual Studio Code

How to setup and configure Visual Studio Code with PlatformIO for Tasmota compilation and upload.

Easy way (only Windows): Portable install of Visual Studio Code for Tasmota~

Download the ready made Portable Installation of VSC/PlatformIO and extract the ZIP to a folder or a fast extern drive.
Grab Tasmota unpack and Start VS Code.exe (in folder VSC)

Full Install (Windows, Linux and Mac)~

Download and Install Visual Studio Code~

Download Visual Studio Code (VSC) from

Install PlatformIO Extension~

Install the PlatformIO IDE extension in VSC.

Select View - Extensions and type PlatformIO in the search box.

Make sure to select the official PlatformIO IDE extension and select Install. Accept to install dependencies.

Download Tasmota~

Download the latest Tasmota version from and unzip to a known folder.

Copy files~

Copy all files from the Tasmota Source code into your VSC working folder.

Compile Tasmota~

Start VSC and select File - Open Folder... to point to the working folder.

Note: Press Ctrl + Shift + P and type PlatformIO to see all options.

Select the desired firmware via VSC menu.

Easy compilation can be performed from the icons at the bottom of the VSC screen.

Upload Tasmota~

Enable desired options in platformio.ini for serial upload like:

; *** Upload Serial reset method for Wemos and NodeMCU
upload_port = COM5
;upload_speed = 512000
upload_speed = 115200
;upload_resetmethod = nodemcu

deploy via HTTP upload~

Special options (not needed for compiling Tasmota!) are enabled in platformio_override.ini :

; *** Upload file to OTA server using HTTP
upload_port = -i domus1 -p 80 -u /api/upload-arduino.php
extra_scripts = ${esp_defaults.extra_scripts} pio/
For ESP32 replace esp_defaults with esp32_defaults.

Or if you wish to upload the gzip files (not for ESP32 only for ESP8266):

upload_port = -i domus1 -p 80 -u /api/upload-arduino.php
extra_scripts = ${esp_defaults.extra_scripts} pio/
Easy compilation and upload can be performed from the icons at the bottom of the VSC screen or use Ctrl + Alt + U to upload (will build if needed).

The upload.php file at your webserver could look like this:

$image = basename($_FILES["file"]["name"]);
$target_file = "./".$image;
$hostname = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {
  echo "The file $image has been uploaded to OTA server $hostname. \n";
} else {
  echo "Sorry, there was an error uploading your file $image to OTA server $hostname. \n";


In case vscode shows a huge amount of errors using PlatformIO - Intellisense a possible "solution" is to change the cpp-Intelli Sense Engine type to "TAG PARSER"

This setting can be changed in workspace settings by: Use Ctrl + Shift + P and type Preferences: Open Workspace Settings and type intelli Sense in the search box. Now change the value for Intelli Sense Engine to Tag Parser.