Tasmota's web user interface is a practical way to control and manage your tasmotized device.
WebUI does not and can not have all the features and commands implemented. For precise and complete control use Console or MQTT commands!
To access the WebUI use your device's IP address in your favorite web browser.
By default, WebUI starts in unprotected admin mode which allows complete access to your device to anyone with access to that IP.
If you want to restrict other users to only control through the WebUI, use WebServer 1
Command WebPassword
will set up a password that needs to be entered when trying to access WebUI. This is a very thin layer of protection since everything is transmitted over unencrypted HTTP protocol.
Configuration menu allows you to configure everything from components to Wi-Fi and gives you the option to backup and restore the configuration in a secure location.
Displays a single page loaded with information about the device including: current Tasmota version, Wi-Fi AP data, MQTT host data, and more
Firmware Upgrade~
An easy to use menu to initiate a firmware upgrade from an uploaded .bin
file or an OTA server.
Terminal access to Tasmota. Issue commands here or follow the information stream. Useful for debugging when using ˙Weblog 4`.
Change names of the toggle buttons using WebButton
WebUI is themable using WebColor
To apply a theme from below copy the entire code block and send it using the console or via MQTT.
Dark (default theme)~
WebColor {"WebColor":["#eaeaea","#252525","#4f4f4f","#000000","#dddddd","#65c115","#1f1f1f","#ff5661","#008000","#faffff","#1fa3ec","#0e70a4","#d43535","#931f1f","#47c266","#5aaf6f","#faffff","#999999","#eaeaea"]}
Light (default until 6.7.1.)~
WebColor {"WebColor":["#000000","#ffffff","#f2f2f2","#000000","#ffffff","#000000","#ffffff","#ff0000","#008000","#ffffff","#1fa3ec","#0e70a4","#d43535","#931f1f","#47c266","#5aaf6f","#ffffff","#999999","#000000"]}
WebColor {"WebColor":["#cccccc","#2f3133","#3d3f41","#dddddd","#293134","#ffb000","#293134","#ff5661","#008000","#ffffff","#ec7600","#bf5f00","#d43535","#931f1f","#47c266","#5aaf6f","#ffffff","#999999","#bc4d90"]}
WebColor {"WebColor":["#e0e0c0","#000033","#4f4f4f","#000000","#dddddd","#a7f432","#1e1e1e","#ff0000","#008000","#ffffff","#1fa3ec","#0e70a4","#d43535","#931f1f","#47c266","#5aaf6f","#ffffff","#999999","#eedd77"]}
Purple Rain~
WebColor {"WebColor":["#eaeaea","#252525","#282531","#eaeaea","#282531","#d7ccff","#1d1b26","#ff5661","#008000","#faffff","#694fa8","#4d3e7f","#b73d5d","#822c43","#1f917c","#156353","#faffff","#716b7f","#eaeaea"]}
Solarized Dark~
WebColor {"WebColor":["#839496","#002b36","#073642","#839496","#002b36","#839496","#073642","#b58900","#859900","#eee8d5","#268bd2","#185886","#dc322f","#90211f","#859900","#647300","#839496","#073642","#839496"]}
When using an MQTT client such as mosquitto_pub
, enclose the message payload in single quotes ('
mosquitto_pub -h -t "cmnd/myTopic/WebColor" -m '{"WebColor":["#eaeaea","#252525","#4f4f4f","#000000","#dddddd","#65c115","#1f1f1f","#ff5661","#008000","#faffff","#1fa3ec","#0e70a4","#d43535","#931f1f","#47c266","#5aaf6f","#faffff","#999999","#eaeaea"]}'