YTF IR Bridge
OTA flashing~
This device is based on a Tuya Wi-Fi module and may still be flashable with Tuya-Convert.
Serial flashing~
Like most devices, GPIO0 has to be held low during power up to get into flash mode. In the picture below, notice the red jumper wire between IO0 and GND. I soldered it in such a way I could hold it during power on, but release later (basically acts as a button), since it can not be held low if you want normal operation.
Introduced in version as YTF IR Bridge (62)
GPIO | Component | Description |
04 | LED1i (52) | Blue LED - Link status |
05 | IRrecv (51) | IR Receiver |
13 | Button1 (17) | Button |
14 | IRsend (8) | IR Transmitter |